A one way Breeze Pass to the first person who responds correctly to the following question: What horror movie was playing at the Greenbriar Mall Movie Theater when they busted the windows out? (yes, Greenbriar once had a theatre! It used to be downstairs right across from the public library…but I digress..) I’m racking my brain trying to remember as it was all the way back in ’83 (maybe ’84).? While I thought I had it, IMDB is saying something different.
Can somebody also tell me why Hollywood has re-made Friday The 13 for “a new generation?” This is not an umpteenth sequel but a modern retelling of the actual movie.? There ain’t no new horror flicks to make?? Can’t we at least do a Scream: The Next Generation revealing Coco Arquette as the Chuckie Doll-like slasher in the “suprise ending” to end all surprises?? Help me get this people.
If I remember correctly, they ended up closing the theater in Greenbriar Mall because too many people showed up and rushed the entrance causing the front windows to come crashing down in a hail of glass and metal. I never even made it downstairs there were so many folk jammed up in the place! All I remember, really, is going to Baskin Robbins instead for Daiquiri Ice with my guls and going back home.? Another wasted day at Greenbriar Mall, where ‘there’s always something new for you-oooooooooo‘.
Were you there?? Do you remember?? Are your kids *or you* (most studio guilty pleasure movies are ok) planning on going to see this thing?? “A” discussion in the COMMENTS please.
*Back in the Day in the ‘A’ is a new column that will feature Old School Atlanta Memories (O.S.A.M) and insightful commentary on how it was back in the day in Atlanta. Feel Free to submit your fond O.S.A.Ms and photos for consideration to StraightFromTheA@gmail.com.*
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