The word originally spread when when Tasia appeared a bit thick in the waist onstage in Trinidad, the same concert where she reportedly cried a river after finding out Antwuan had been kicking it with a D-list reality show star.
[READ: Fantasia Breaks Down Onstage in Trinidad Over Cheating Married Boyfriend… PHOTOS]
Well… according to Fannie, that is all just hearsay and nothing could be further from the truth!
Here’s what Fantasia wants you to know about those pregnancy rumors…
Although she herself posted unexplained photos of her midsection which cause many to speculate that it was an “admission” of her pregnancy, Fantasia says it’s just not true.
In a response posted on her Instagram account, Fantasia states:
?So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Fantasia says she is NOT pregnant… NOT being cheated on (I guess that means that she and Antwaun are still together) and she did NOT cry on stage because she was hurt, it was because she was parsing God!
Amen! Moving on.
Now check out a few photos of her adorable son Xavier Dallas Barrino….
That smile is well worth whatever pain Fantasia’s gone through with that married cheater. (But I digress…)
All jokes aside, I wish Fantasia nothing but happiness and success. I am forever a fan and as long as she sings I’ll be there rejoicing right with her. ? I just hopes she dumps Mr. Wrong and comes to her senses soon (but no judgment though…)
Do you buy Fantasia’s response or is she merely buying time to make a decision?