While there are those of us who chose to ditch the chemicals created as a convenience to make haircare painless, there are still many of choose to embellish their looks with the help of extensions & the like.
[READ: For Sistah’s Only: To Weave or Not to Weave? (VIDEO)]
I’m not here to argue the benefits of permanent relaxers aka “creamy crack” or to r to preach about my long silky 32 inch Malaysian hair, because I believe it’s our differences that make us great.
Imagine a world full of people who looked exactly the same, dressed exactly the same, and wore their hair EXACTLY the same.
How boring would THAT be??
That being said, check out this vintage Black haircare tutorial for 3 whole new hairstyles…
VIDEO: 3 New Hairstyles From Ultra Sheen Cosmetics (VINTAGE)
It seems like it was such a simpler time back then….
What’s your hair care preference?
Are you a natural chick, a weave queen or somewhere in between?
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