[FLASHBACK: RECAP: RHOA Season 8, Episode 3 + Watch Full Video…]
This week’s episode is titled ‘Rocky Boat Horror Show‘ and we finally find out what happened during that Lake Lanier boat trip where Cynthia Bailey was accused of kicking Porsha Williams in the stomach. We also finally meet Tammy Mcall-Browning who actually had a peach prior an incident that we’ll see later in the season.
Bravo synopsis:
Kenya makes a surprise visit to Chateau Shere? and is astonished by what she uncovers. After Cynthia and Peter’s emotional talk surrounding their relationship, Cynthia talks with Kandi about the uncertainty of her marriage. Meanwhile, Porsha and Duke hit a bump in the road. Sensing Cynthia needing a shoulder to lean on, Kenya suggests a day trip on a boat with the girls to take her mind off things. The ladies set sail for a tranquil afternoon booze cruise of fun and sun but things quickly take a turn for the worse when Cynthia and Porsha clash — shocking everyone on board.
Recap + watch full episode below…
VIDEO: RHOA 0804 – Rocky Boat Horror Show
Kenya Moore decides to take an impromptu walk over to her new neighbor’s home to say ‘hi’ and she discovers Sheree Whitfield sweeping construction debris from the front porch of Chateau Sheree.
Sheree admits that she still doesn’t have a certificate of occupancy after 4 years of building and that she also doesn’t have any flooring.
Whitfield attempts to shade Kenya about her unfinished home, which has been totally gutted and is noting but a wood frame structure, but the shade is all in fun.
Isn’t it refreshing to see two money driven ‘housewives’ bonding over their unfinished homes? I mean, where else except RHOA would we even fall for such a farce?
These two are totally working together for this fake construction battle but whatever… the two ‘bet’ on which of them will be in their home by Christmas and since there was no work being done on the home while Sheree was out sweeping, I’m assuming that they BOTH will be still renting in 2016.
Moving on.
Oddities, Eccentric Gifts & Novelties…
Phaedra & Porsha are spending a lot of time together these days, as Parks adjusts to life in the single lane.
Porsha is having no problem getting dates but it seems she’s not up for living the ‘single life’… especially since she’s attached herself to her young boytoy Duke Williams.
After embarrassing herself with that ‘coming out’ party last week, Porsha is setting herself up for another failure as she enlists Phaedra to help her pick out some hoewear for her FaceTime date.
As expected, Porsha gets all dolled up to get stood up on FaceTime and confides in Phaedra about her disappointment.
Phaedra tells her that it may be time to move on from Duke, since he’s clearly not that into her.
More odd couple bonding…
As the ‘single’ ladies (Porsha/Phaedra) bond, so do two of the married women on the cast.
Cynthia Bailey visits Kandi at her Cascade’s estate and the pair discuss fibroids and marriage.
Kandi shares her frustration about having to scale back her daily activities due to her high risk pregnancy, while Bailey speaks about her issues dealing with Peter being away in Charlotte working at his bar venture.
Kandi and Cynthia are not what I’d consider to be the best of friends, so their one on one date seemed a bit odd, in my opinion.
But I’m going to move on before I fall asleep.
Kim Fields is bringing ‘Classy’ back…
Kim Fields visits Phaedra for a play date with their young kids.
These two have absolutely NOTHING in common, besides the fact that they are each mothers of toddlers. Other than that, I don’t see it.
Kim’s husband pointed out earlier in the episode that she has no friends, and Fields even teared up when speaking to Phaedra about her mundane, boring life.
It seems that Kim has totally lost herself in her family and lives for carpooling and field trips. Unlike Phaedra, who passes her kids off to her mom and/or a nanny to get her hair done once a week and her nails done every other day… but I digress.
Kim is a housewife IN REAL LIFE and it’s becoming obvious why she will probably NEVER fit in with this group of materialistic narcissists. Maybe she will come out of her shell soon, but I actually like her as is.
“As long as I don’t look or smell homeless, I’m good.” – Kim Fields
How many ‘bitches’ can fit on one boat?
Kenya has a boat party to make up for her embarrassing hair launch event and invites all of the ladies.
Cynthia brings along her new ‘friend’ Tammy McCall-Browning, while Porsha brings along her friend Shamea Morton.
Tammy tells everyone within earshot that she’s ‘Bob Whitfield’s best friend’ during the long bus ride to the lake. She even sparked Kenya’s interest when she revealed that Sheree only married Bob for his money.
But wait… the thirst becomes evident when all of the ladies get together and Tammy immediately goes for the kill with Kandi, inquiring about getting her son a label deal. Tammy also loses all cool points when she proudly reveals that her husband is ‘whiter than white… like NAZI white!’
Just FYI – Tammy was originally included in the RHOA season cast photo above which was posted and deleted on Bravo’s website last summer, while the ‘friends’ of the show (ie Sheree & Shamea) were not. Clearly Tammy had a peach until that Glen Rice incident in Miami…
[FLASHBACK: Glen Rice, Jr. Drama is Why Tammy Didn’t Get A Peach… ]
But I digress. Back to the boat trip.
Kenya sees the young, vivacious Shamea and is immediately intimidated by her.? Moore had already determined that she’s going to shade Shamea throughout the boat ride and wastes no time in doing so, telling Porsha that Shamea wasn’t invited.
[Sidebar: Tammy wasn’t invited either but Kenya was cool with that since she was a guest of her ‘BFF’ Cynthia.]
Whatever the case, the boat ride was filled with nothing but drama as Cynthia also caught a case of bitchiness towards Porsha after being called a ‘bitch’. (Yup, that’s right. The bitch called that bitch a bitch and the bitch got upset.)
Next week, we’ll find out how Cynthia drop-kicked Porsha in her midsection.