However, Good Deeds was a sorry sack of shizznit! (Yeah… I said it.)
As I wrote in THIS POST which featured the “Good Deeds” official trailer, I didn’t know if Perry would be able to make a role as the romantic leading man believable… and unfortunately I was right.
My review of Tyler Perry’s ‘Good Deeds’ below…
First of all, Tyler Perry needs to write, direct, and employ. Get off the dayum screen!!
Perry’s portrayal of Wesley was so unbelievable that I cringed dayum near every time his mouth opened. Personally, I can think of ten other actors (known and unknown) who could have done a better job and in my humble opinion, it was a bit selfish of Tyler to keep that role for himself.
Secondly, I am so sick and tired of ‘the angry Black woman’ role in every movie Perry makes. Really Tyler?! Isn?t that stereotype a bit worn out?
Thandie Newton got on my last nerve with all that attitude and neck rolling!
Girl have a seat…
If anyone should have been acting a fool, it would have been Gabrielle Union?s character (I can’t even remember her onscreen name).? Shoot…. what fiance woulda gave up on a rich successful man without some sort of fight?
“In real life,” tracks would have been flying e?rywhere ?cause somebody?s “A”zz woulda been beat!
“In real life,” Wesley would have kept his trick on the side, happy and content in his corporate appointment, and Gabby woulda kept her money in the bank…cha ching!? Don’t act. You know it’s true.
But I digress.
Thirdly, a CEO of any corporation would never ?d*&k down? the night maid. Please! He would never have known she even existed. I’m sorry but there?s not that much charity in the world.
Excessively rich men prefer for their accountants to write checks to charitable organizations. Captain save a ho? Uhhhhh no!
Fourthly, can someone tell me why Brian White even in this movie?
In real life his drunk “A”zz woulda been quietly tucked away in Betty Ford or somewhere. He definitely would not have been wreaking havoc on the ?good? brother?s life and messing up the family money!
Brother or not, he would NOT have been allowed to step his angry lil feet in that building because security would have stopped him at the door!
C?mon Mr. Perry… if you?re gonna steal my money and make me look at your big goofy “A”zz the entire movie, at least make the story line believable.
The only Good Deeds we’re buying in their roles are Phylicia Rashad and Jordenn Thompson. They made the movie worth watching. Jordenn has a promising future, as long as she doesn?t go outside in a hoodie in Florida.
In closing, I’d like to respectfully request that Mr. Perry, continue to excel behind the camera; develop your stories; and expand your characters… or just dress up as Madea and call it a day.? #thatisall