Last week, what began as a lighthearted girl’s trip, ended with a drop-kick to the stomach.
[FLASHBACK: RHOA Recap: Season 8, Episode 4 ‘Rocky Boat Horror Show’ (FULL VIDEO)]
This week’s episode, titled ‘Where is the Love Boat,’ wraps up the Cynthia Bailey/Porsha Williams fight in a nice little bow, while also giving us a prelude of more fighting to come.
Bravo Synopsis:
Cynthia and Porsha?s argument quickly takes a turn for the worse and drama ensues on what was supposed to be a fun, girl?s booze cruise. Back on land, the group is in discord as everyone’s version of what happened causes conflict amongst the ladies. In the aftermath of the lake trip, Peter returns home from Charlotte to console Cynthia, forcing them to work on their marriage.
Kandi visits the doctor and comes face-to-face with some troubling news. Kenya and Porsha meet to discuss the altercation between Porsha and Cynthia, but the conversation quickly turns into a reminder of their troubled past. The ladies then all come together in an attempt to unite the group and repair the splintered friendships.
There seems to be a running theme this season of Kenya Moore being the orchestrator of events that create conflict between other people, then playing ‘peacemaker.’ *rolls eyes*
Recap + watch full video below…
VIDEO: RHOA 0805 ‘Where is the Love Boat’
Cynthia Bailey has already taken responsibility for kicking Porsha in the stomach (click HERE if you missed that), but after seeing more of the drama unfold onscreen, it seems the drama was all Kenya’s fault.
Kenya started with the negative energy and it spread like a fungus. She threw shade at Shamea and Porsha from the moment they stepped on the boat and that set the tone for the remainder of the trip.
If was only after Kenya threatened to throw Shamea off the boat that the situation with Cynthia and Porsha escalated. Sure alcohol played a part in all of it, but I blame Kenya for all of the negativity because without her presence, I don’t think any of it would have happened.
‘A tired party for some old tired people.’ ~ Shamea Morton
Phaedra and Kim are thrown together yet again and since Parks missed all the drama of the boat trip, Fields gives her a recap.
Across town, Kenya gives Auntie Sysqo and Cousin Chef Che her version over lunch while Kandi gives Don Juan and Carmen her version at The Kandi Factory.
All three stories vary in some way.
Phaedra tells Kim that Porsha has bruises and cuts on her stomach from Cynthia’s stilettos, while Kim points out that Cynthia actually had on flats.
Kandi’s gets the business from her team as they point out that she shouldn’t be near all the melee being as pregnant as she is.
Kenya admits that it was her decision to have Shamea removed from the boat that was the spark that lit the flame.
[Sidebar: Does any of this seem familiar?? Remember when Kenya sparked all the drama during the Pillow Talk session??]
Whatever the case, it seems Auntie Sysqo is aware of Kenya’s role in the situation and convinces her to get all of the ladies together to make things right.
The dropkick that saved a marriage…
After the boat altercation, Cynthia asks Peter to come home and she reveals that the violence directed at Porsha had absolutely nothing to do with Porsha at all.
Cynthia is stressed about the state of her marriage and after confiding in her husband, she realizes that her actions were unwarranted and feels totally embarrassed about the transference.
Peter tells Cynthia to apologize to Porsha and he admits that his absence is his also his way of avoiding their issues.
The couple makes amends and vow to continue to work on their communication.
Babies need their fathers… (duh!)
In the synopsis it states that Kandi ‘visits the doctor and comes face-to-face with some troubling news,’ but the news has nothing to do with her pregnancy.
It seems Kandi is concerned about Todd’s ability to tune out during important times (like her doctor’s appointment).
Todd gets a business call and takes it outside while Kandi is having an ultrasound. Through the magic of editing, it seems that Dr. Jackie can’t find a heartbeat and Todd isn’t there to hold Kandi’s hand through the 15 seconds it took to find it.
Clearly Baby Tucker is alive and well and Kandi and Dr. Jackie pull a prank when Todd returns stating that they see a penis (but it’s actually the umbillical cord).
Kandi states on camera that they don’t know the sex and are ‘speaking it into existence’ that they’re having a boy and it seems she and Todd’s ‘wishful’ thinking worked.
[READ: Kandi Treated to TWO Extravagant Baby Showers + Reveals She’s Having a BOY! (PHOTOS)]
Meanwhile, Phaedra is on the other side of town dealing with life as a single mom with her two sons Aiden (4) and Dylan (2).
Parks admits that her two boys are adjusting to their father’s absence and even states that Dylan is too young to remember Apollo, who’s been gone for a year now.
“When life throws you lemons you make lemonade… and sweet tea.” ~ Phaedra Parks
U.N.I.T.Y. (Kinda Sorta but Not Really… )
After stirring up all the drama, Kenya puts a plan into acton to ‘fix’ everything.
First, she sit’s down with Porsha to smooth things over before getting everyone together. While it’s clear that Cynthia could have lost her peach during the violent episode, Porsha has been in a similar position and is not trying to go there (unlike Kenya who called the police during that epic reunion show blowout and vowed to have Porsha fired… but again, I digress).
Kenya and Porsha are clearly NOT friends but Williams is onboard with making things right with Cynthia.
The ladies then all come together in an attempt to unite the group and Kenya tries to convince everyone how wrong the ladies were for fighting during her boat trip.
“Kenya… you’re good at pointing out what the other person has done but you’re not good at pointing out what you’ve done yourself” ~ Kandi Burruss
[Sidebar: Shoutout to Kandi for calling Kenya out on her bullcrap!]
Kenya claims it’s not a good look to argue with a pregnant woman but again… Moore conveniently forgets history.
[Sidebar: The spin doctors are clearly at work trying to improve Kenya’s image but we’ll never forget how she came for Phaedra when she was pregnant during one of the reunion shows, vowing to knock her teeth out… (but I digress… again!)]
Meanwhile, after having a one on one conversation, Cynthia and Porsha make amends and hug it out.
Next week… more drama unfolds as the girl’s trip to Miami includes Tammy McCall Browning and Glen Rice, Jr.
[READ: Glen Rice, Jr. Drama is Why Tammy McCall Browning Lost Her Peach…]