The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired it’s 19th episode of the 6th season last night (March 23, 2014).
The gang is still vacationing in Mexico and this week, we pick up where we left off with Kenya Moore’s antics.
[READ: RECAP: 5 Life Lessons Revealed on RHOA S6, Ep18 + Watch Full Video…]
It’s drama… drama… and mo drama!
Moore ‘flirts’ with disaster as Phaedra Parks abruptly ends Moore’s conversation with her husband, Apollo.
It’s clear Kenya is earning her check as a the ‘wild card’ placed amongst the RHOA crew to stir the pot and she’s working overtime for that check!

Read the 5 Life Lessons revealed during season 6, episode 19 + watch the full episode below…
VIDEO: RHOA Season 6, Episode 19
LIFE LESSON #1 – Start with the weakest link…
Ok… so Phaedra walked into the hotel lobby and see?s something she does NOT like; Apollo and Kenya having a little chat.
The set up is on! Phaedra walks on over, sits down and 30 seconds later, Porsha, NeNe, and Greg come into the lobby as well.
Things appeared uncomfortable, for everybody knows that Phaedra is not here for Kenya’s antics with Apollo!
Should Apollo have talked to Kenya alone? Hell naw!? But the bigger question is… should Kenya keep stepping her fake buttocks in the middle of that couple’s marriage? DOUBLE hell naw!
Apollo has proven he isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack, and it seems that Kenya has zero’d in on that. He’s clearly not making smart decisions, but it’s still not cool for Miss Ratchet USA to keep up the same drama.
Moving on…
LIFE LESSON #2 – When all else fails, a flower, a hug, and a ‘surprise birthday party’ will do…
Apollo attempts to ‘make up’ with Phaedra by presenting his wife with an exotic flower.? But judging from the look on Phaedra’s face, she’s not buying his act.
Phaedra has said one thousand and one times that she doesn’t trust Kenya and she doesn?t want Apollo around her, period.? Is that too much to ask?? Maybe.
Personally I think Apollo should respect his wife’s wishes, but on the flip side, Phaedra shouldn’t have to demand that he do so.
Apollo seems to genuinely want to move past the drama but Kenya keeps bringing it back up.
Phaedra’s BFF Kandi helps Apollo orchestrate another kind gesture as well.? It’s Phaedra’s birthday and he decides to get the gang together for some fun in the form of a surprise bday get-together for his wife.
If the flower didn’t do it, the birthday party did.? The couple seems back on good terms. For now.
LIFE LESSON #3 – When all else fails… put condoms in the pinata!
Apollo surprise his wife and it seems Phaedra’s birthday bash is a success… kinda
Phaedra’s hubby gives a mini speech that I hope and pray was edited for effect, where he basically just thanks her for having his two cute kids. *sigh*
There were no signs of affection anywhere in his public statement. At least the part WE saw on television.
The gang all bond together over mexican party games and Porsha lets out a bit of aggression when it’s her turn to swing at the donkey booty swinging in the air, as she manages to beat up Phaedra’s birthday cake instead.
When the donkey was finally bust wide open it was filled with sweet treats and condoms!!
CONDOMS?!?? Mmmkay… who’s bright idea was that?
LIFE LESSON #4 -? If at first you don’t succeed with a ‘pillow talk’ themed event… try, try, again!
It’s deja vu all over again as Kenya does a ‘pillow talk’ do-over in Mexico.
Same format, same messy questions… same ol’ same ol! Kenya’s motivation is simple, she wants to be Nene so she’s walking in her shoes and doing what has already been done.
The ladies answer random provocative questions provided by their messy host.
Apollo gets caught up once again when a question is asked about spouses cheating and he responds with “as long as there are condoms’… the entire room is in shock as every remembers the condoms falling out of the pinata at Phaedra’s birthday celebration.
When Porsha
Stewart Williams is asked to answer a question about the difference between sex with older men vs. younger men,? she says she likes he sex both rough and romantic and ?older? lovers are better with the romantic because they?re slower.
That statement really burned NeNe’s biscuits!! As a connoisseur of ‘old man’ lovin’ Ms Leakes takes offense and calls Porsha’s comment ?ignorant,? when in fact that was merely her experience.
NeNe then refers back to Kandi asking another ‘ignorant’ question about her menopausal status… which in turn gets Todd all riled up.
When Peter tried to interject, Nene asks in her confessional ?Are you Peter or are you Patricia??? It’s odd… but she didn?t call out Todd or call him ‘Tina’ when he stepped up to give his 2 cents. Hmmm…. interesting.
Again… this is ‘Pillow Talk’ 2.0 so we already know it’s about to be TURNT UP!
Kenya tries to ask Nene about Marlo and Nene shuts that down too. Why give Marlo ‘camera time’ and she’s not even there?
Again… Kenya’s working hard for the money!
Last but not least, Kenya overstepped marital boundaries yet again when she tries to confront Phaedra about their issues.? When Phaedra says “We” are not interested in being friends with you (‘WE” meaning she and Apollo) I’m sure she didn’t know that Apollo had already squashed the beef with a hand shake.
For some reason, Kenya felt that gave her the upper hand and she gloats as she says…? YOU may not want to be friends but you can’t speak for Apollo (or something along those lines).
That got all of the women feeling ‘some kinda way’!? Porsha even jumps in to day Kenya was being disrespectful to the couple’s marriage, but as I’ve even said before, Kenya wouldn’t care about that because she’s never been married herself.
Phaedra says Kenya has crossed the line so may times, she has considering kicking the ?dog****? out of her and frankly, I don’t blame her.
There are certain things that Kenya can?t speak on…? like being a WIFE who doesn’t want their husband fraternizing with the enemy.
The former beauty queen is almost proving that her ‘ratchet’ reputation is well earned.
Moving on…
LIFE LESSON #5 – Old men can f*ck and they can fight too!
We finally get to see the blow up between Peter Thomas and Gregg Leakes that’s been airing in the previews for weeks now.
Gregg feels the need to stand up to Peter after Peter stood up to Nene in previous episodes.
Peter and Nene have always gotten along, so much so, that it was once rumored that they were a little TOO close.
While it seems Peter’s statements weren’t meant maliciously, and he seemed respectful when he spoke to her in the past. He never cursed… raised his voice… etc.
But Gregg doesn’t feel that way, and attempts to ‘check’ Peter for speaking to his wife.
The men are rumored to be vying for a ‘househusband’ spin-off and drama is always a good thing.
Cynthia didn’t get involved when Peter and Nene got into it at Kenya’s fake charity fundraiser, but it seems Nene calling Peter a ‘b*tch’ this week lit a fire under her “A”zz and she’s speaking up next week.
Stay tuned…