There was a showdown of sorts on the last episode of Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice”.? I don’t even watch this show, but I had to last week just to see what all the buzz was about.
Real “housewife” of Atlanta NeNe Leakes took on the task of project manager and almost pulled the girls through, but for the 3rd week in a row, the women’s team lagged behind and were placed in the boardroom.
This week, all eyes were on NeNe, as she critiqued each of her teammate’s participation in the task.
Surprisingly, NeNe and Star Jones got along this week and when it came down to Dionne Warwick (who left in the middle of a work session to take a nap), all were in agreement that she had to go…
Dionne, feeling some kinda way about being put on the hot seat, called NeNe a “coward” for not standing up to her and she gracefully exited stage left.

Before hitting the seniors only buffet with a pre-rolled doobie tucked safely underneath her right breast, Dionne Warwick let those shady queens on her team (namely a low down dirty monkey with a wig) have it! ~ Freshalina
In case you missed it, watch the full boardroom scene including Dionne’s stiff but graceful exit below: Continue Reading…
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