So apparently loud mouth NeNe Leakes is a quitter. Whoodathunkit? 😕
During last night’s Celebrity Apprentice (which I refuse to watch on the grounds that I can’t stand Donald Trump), Leakes reportedly walked out without nary a word to her teammates!
Leakes, 41, left her team which consisted of John Rich, Lil Jon and La Toya Jackson (who was brought back after being fired a few weeks ago) high and dry without an explanation.
Lil Jon and NeNe’s bff La Toya both tried to reach her by phone with no success. Later, Trump even dialed her up himself…
“I’ve never called anybody but I’m calling you because I think you have great ability,”
Trump, 64, told Leakes in a last-ditch effort to keep her around. “If you quit, it’s going to follow you for the rest of your life. For you to quit at the end is stupid.”
Well “stupid” is as “stupid” does…. because she definitely didn’t come back! Quitting way before she got a chance to hear Trump yell,”You’re Fired!”
NeNe’s surprising explanation of why she chose to walk out on her charity and her teammates below: Continue Reading…
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