This week’s episode is titled, ‘Pass The Peach, Throw The Shade’ and there’s a ton of light shade thrown throughout the episode.
Bravo synopsis:
Porsha and Dennis hope to take their relationship to the next level but before that she must face her biggest critic yet ? Dennis’ mother. Meanwhile, Kandi and Todd meet with Dr. Jackie in hopes of expanding their family and Shamari drops a bomb on her mother-in-law. Cynthia hosts a “Bailey-Cue” at her house and invites all the ladies and NeNe learns of a surprising rumor. At the Bailey-Cue the ladies find themselves in the hot seat during Cynthia’s “Pass the Peach” game when one of the women is deemed a liar, another gets called out for her fashion faux pas, and another proves just how “open” she is about her personal life.
Recap + video below…

The episode starts with a little cross-promotion as Kandi visits Dr. Jackie (of Married to Medicine).
Kandi reveals that she’s been trying to get pregnant for two years now with no luck and has decided to obtain the services of a surrogate.
As previously reported, Kandi and Todd still have 2 embryos available for implantation and Dr. Jackie provides deets on the process.
Apparently Kandi thought a surrogate was like hiring a gardener and only planned on paying around $30,000 for the service. Dr. Jackie quickly tells her that’s the “pookie hook up” and advises her to expect to pay anywhere between $60,000- $90,000.
[READ: Kandi Says She’s Found A Surrogate to Carry Next Child… ]
Nene lands another gig…
Ms. Leakes says booked hunni and apparently her good friend Eva is going to make sure of it.
Eva has decided that Nene Leakes is the big sister she never has. Not only has the OG housewife provided guidance and advice, but she’s also been instrumental in helping Eva secure a bag by introducing her to the popular reality show.
Nevertheless, Eva wants to repay Nene by having her do the toast at her wedding. Nene seems a bit shocked that Eva would ask her to participate in her big day, but of course she’s up for the challenge.
The day has finally arrived for Porsha to meet her man’s mom. Dennis and Porsha meet “Mama Gina” in a swanky restaurant and she arrives with an instant side-eye.
Porsha attempts to lighten the mood by giving Mama Gina a gift, but she doesn’t seem too impressed by the Louis Vuitton wallet Williams chose.
Meanwhile, Mama Gina seems skeptical about Porsha and Dennis’ relationship. She implies that things are moving too fast and seems shocked when Dennis admits he told Porsha he loved her “the first night”.
When Mama Gina asks if they are headed towards the altar, Porsha sems confused as to which altar she means… the wedding altar?
Porsha almost chokes when Mama Gina brings up a pre-nup but admits that they are both open to signing one.
The scene ends with Porsha confessing, “Nothing can break us up, honey… we’re good.”
Shamari and her “legendary” husband were swingers…
Shamari meets with Ronnie Devoe’s mom and it’s revealed that his mom wasn’t quite feeling Shamari at first.
Mama Devoe initially felt like Shamari was a gold digger and she wouldn’t even acknowledge Shamari as his wife! As proof, Shamari reveals that Mama Devoe once sent a Christmas card and only addressed it to Ronnie.
To make matters worse, Shamari decides to open up to her mother in-law and confesses that she and Ronnie had an “open relationship” for a while.
Cynthia ‘s ‘Bailey-Que’…
Cynthia seems totally obsessed with her phone these days but I guess that’s because she has a new man on the line.? Bailey is facetiming the hell outta Mike Hill, her new long distance love, but seems to be joyful about the growing relationship.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Cynthia has planned a barbecue for the ladies and is expecting a house full.? Prior to their arrival, she gets a “special delivery” from Porsha’s boyfriend’s hot dog spot, which includes every dog imaginable and desserts too!
Nene introduces “new friend” Tanya Sam and Marlo immediately appears jealous and stunned that the “newbie” is a stylish as she is.
But despite there being new blood in the room, it’s Eva that’s the intended target tonight.
Marlo calls out Eva as the new “liar” in the crew, stating “Porsha was last year, Eva is this year.” Marcille claps back by calling Marlo “extra” to which Marlo sends even more shade by referring to Eva’s style as “basic”.
The “peach” is then passed to Kandi who picks up the slack and continues the Eva roast by calling her out about shading Shamea.
Cynthia follows up by accusing her fellow model of spreading a rumor that she paid Will Jones to date her.? For the record, Marlo admits that it was actually “the streets” (i.e. StraightFromTheA) who said it.
[FLASHBACK: Cut the Check! Cynthia Hires New Boyfriend For Season 10… ]
Not to be outdone, Kandi has some shade for Porsha as she refers to her as the “freakiest” in the room.? Oddly enough, Burruss also argues with Porsha about her “freak level” and calls her a liar about liking back door action.
Umm… TMI!!
Meanwhile, Shamari gets her induction into the group by confessing that she and her “R&B Legend” husband were once in an “open relationship” and providing details about their arrangement.