Part Two of The?Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s season 8 reunion show aired last night (March 27, 2016).
Last week ended in the midst of Kenya Moore & Kim Field’s battle…
[READ: Recap: 6 Things Revealed on #RHOA Season 8 Reunion (Part 1) + Watch Full Video]
Part 2 of the RHOA reunion continues to analyze the drama between the ‘housewives’ by causing even more arguments.
Bravo synopsis:
Phaedra?reflects on the emotional season she’s undergone with her husband Apollo away at prison and the effect it’s had on her life.
Cynthia?and Peter disclose the current state of their marriage and address upsetting rumors about their relationship, which leads to a tense verbal encounter between Cynthia and?Porsha.
The women revisit the drama surrounding the Miami trip and make an attempt to move forward after a tumultuous season.
Recap + watch full video below…
VIDEO: RHOA 0819 – Season 8 Reunion (Part 2)

First on the agenda for Part 2 of the reunion show was the legendary Lake Lanier boat fight between Cynthia Bailey and Porsha Williams.
The discussion of the fight brought about a flashbacks of Sheree Whitfield’s ‘wig pulling’ incident from Season 2. While I’m not too sure WHY exactly that was even brought up, I’m assuming that producers were attempting to give Sheree a bit more camera time.
Cynthia compared the incident to Porsha’s reunion show fight and states that because she (Cynthia) was in a vulnerable position (laying down), kicking was her only way out.
Porsha admits that things went too far and alternatively, Kenya Moore jumps in to ensure the world knows that it’s not the first time (or the last) that Porsha has become violent.
As for injuries Porsha suffered (i.e. her abominal (abdominal) contusion), Cynthia claims most were from the producers having to restrain Porsha after the incident.
Whatever the case, the ‘B’ word is clearly NOT an issue as all of the ladies continued using it during the show.
Moving on…
Kenya’s estranged mom deserves her privacy…
I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times… Kenya was dead ass wrong for showing up to her mother’s home with a bus load of people and a camera crew.? PERIOD.
While Kenya claims during the reunion that ‘no one’ understands her Aunt Lori’s position (she was outraged when she found out what Kenya did), it seems more people than not understand.?? I’m going to leave it at that.
On a related note, I feel like Porsha was right (for once) about Kenya being the way she is because of her lack of a loving mother.
Kenya is almost 45 years old and it seems that all the issues she’s shown during RHOA stem from her mother NOT being in her life.? Our parents teach us how to love and how to treat people and Kenya seems to be lacking in those areas.
[Sidebar: And no…? don’t know that woman. I’m just writing about what I see on TV.
Peter Thomas is the first of the husbands to hit the stage and he bravely comes out to face the ‘housewives’ all by his lonesome.
Thomas reveals much of what he and I spoke about during our Facetime interview the other day.
And he seems to stand by his statement that he’s living in Charlotte because of his business and his wife has nothing to worry about because there are camera phone cops on every corner.
Cynthia accuses Porsha of dating married men… Kenya chimes in and then Porsha accuses Kenya of dating a one-eyed married African (NEVER FORGET: The ‘African Prince’ Kenya was claiming last season)
Porsha also accuses Peter of paying his waitresses in ‘penis’ and says that he’s creeping with 19year olds…
Peter challenges Porsha to produce a list and that apparently shuts her up.? Meanwhile, Andy asks Peter if he feels his marriage would be different if Cynthia weren’t on the show and he responds, ‘I think it would be better.’
Hence the reason why Peter says he’s ‘Bowing Out’ of the show next season.
[READ: EXCLUSIVE Facetime w/Peter Thomas: Marriage Issues, Porsha + Why He’s ‘Bowing Out’ of RHOA.. (VIDEO)]
Phaedra brings up the fact that she’s been through a lot during Apollo’s incarceration and she throws a bit of shade toward Kandi’s way stating how people have such strong opinions about her boys and if they see their father, while never even coming to see about them.
Kandi totally catches the shade and speaks on it, stating that she and Phaedra haven’t been in a good place and that she hasn’t seen the boys… HOWEVER, Kandi still has a strong opinion about Dylan and how he won’t even know his father when he’s released if Phaedra doesn’t do more.
Again… that’s not really Kandi’s concern.? Especially now that she and Phaedra are no longer friends.? While I once had hope that the two strong entrepreneurs would reunite, it’s evident now that Kandi has chosen to befriend Kenya… that’s not gonna happen anytime soon.
The ladies discuss their Miami trip and the violent incident that almost occurred between Kenya and Glen Rice, Jr. When asked who on the set felt uncomfortable in his presence, only Kenya and Kandi held their hands up.? Sheree even seemed to offer some supportive words but producers chopped up whatever statement she was trying to make.? “Are you kidding me…. I don’t think he was THAT aggressive,” she states.
Phaedra seems to feel that it was Kenya’s pride that was hurt because Glen didn’t want her, but Kenya said he was acting crazy from the jump and shouldn’t have been invited to the house.
That’s when Bravo runs back the tape and we see Kenya actually INVITING him back to the house… *sigh*
Kandi ends up supporting her new BFF during the dispute, stating that as a man, Rice should not have physically threatened Kenya and wrong is wrong.? But if you really think about it, Rice was only ‘stirring the pot’ as Kenya often does.
Same thing. Different gender. Crazy is crazy. And while I don’t excuse either. The situation is eerily similar to many of Kenya’s past encounters.
Bravo saved the best for last…