The 3 part reunion show was quite entertaining and we finally got to witness the dragging of master antagonist Kenya Moore by her fellow RHOA Porsha Stewart Williams.
[READ: Mugshot Mania: Porsha Stewart Arrested After RHOA fight w/Kenya Moore…]
There were several topics addressed during part 1 of the reunion, including Phaedra Park’s husband’s indictment (which she said was a complaint and NOT an indictment), Nene Leakes’ pulmonary embolism, Porsha William’s fake boobies (which are rumored to have been purchased by an African dictator), Kandi Burruss’ chronic lateness, Kenya Moore’s diaper booty and fake African prince and more.

LIFE LESSON #1 – Deny… Deny… Deny…
Phaedra Parks finally addressed Apollo Nida’s alleged white-collar crime scheme and says she had absolutely no involvement in the situation.
Host Andy Cohen referred to the charges as a federal indictment, however Phaedra promptly corrected him, stating it was merely a complaint.
Apollo is said to be working on a plea deal with the feds, who confiscated his computer…
[READ: Apollo Nida Charged with Bank Fraud, Identity Theft & More…]
We will hear more about the charges from Apollo when the men appear on the show. In the meantime, Phaedra denies any involvement.
LIFE LESSON #2 – When all else fails buy boobs…
Porsha Williams seems to be getting along quite well since her divorce from Kordell Stewart.? She’s dating and accepting lavish gifts from her suitors.
[READ: New Bra or New Boobs? Porsha Stewart Before & After… (PHOTOS)]
Boobs… shoes… clothes and cars are certainly tops on Porsha’s list and while she may not be able to spell ‘scepter,’ the newly divorced ‘housewife’ can certainly pop off!
I felt kinda bad for Cynthia Bailey having to sit between Porsha and Kenya because it was bound to go down.
More about that later…
LIFE LESSON #3 – When all else fails fake it until you make it…
Kenya Moore has faked her entire life for the sake of a reality television check.? She’s the self professed ‘wild card’ on the show and with no husband, no kids and no friends, it seems she’s always potting for a storyline.
After tricking RHOA audiences with a fake relationship during season 5, Moore thought up an invisible man to play the part and at the season 5 finale, it was announced she was dating an ‘African Tycoon’.
[READ: Spotted: Kenya Moore & Her ‘African Boyfriend’ At Private Movie Premiere… (PHOTOS)]
For the record, there has been no African boyfriend in sight and for over a year now, Moore has failed to come up with anyone willing to play the part.
Moore admits her ‘invisible man’ has never been to Atlanta and none of the ladies even believe he exists and ?Casper the friendly boyfriend,? was one of the best come back lines on the show.
Kenya claims she has never revealed her personal life to the world, so my question would be, then why do ‘reality’ television’?
Whatever the case, Kenya tries to get NeNe Leakes to cosign her ‘African boyfriend’ story and fails miserably after Nene states she’s never met him.
He doesn’t exist anyway, so it really doesn’t matter.
Moving on…
LIFE LESSON #4 – When all else fails fake cry over your dog’s fake death…
Yet another one of Kenya’s made up story lines was the topic of discussion as her dog’s death was brought up.? Moore seems to be still mourning Velvet?s death, however all she can muster is a sad voice but no tears.
Kenya notes that everyone ‘reached out’ to her about Velvet except NeNe, which is when NeNe says she talked about getting Kenya a new dog but was told that should be up to the dog owner when they?re ready to get another one.
[READ: Is Kenya Moore’s Dog Velvet Alive & Well on The West Coast? (PHOTOS)]
Phaedra spoke up about how she sent a not to Kenya and threw a bit of shade about how Velvet was one of Kenya?s few and or only friends, to which Kenya instantly took offense.
Crazy thing is… Kenya says that was hitting below the below,? but doesn’t Moore throw low blow every chance she gets?
LIFE LESSON #5 – Don’t come for Porsha unless she sends for you…
Kenya and her props seems to have gotten on everyone’s nerves.? There was a whole lot of eye rolling and side-eying going on as Kenya constantly pulled props from behind the couch.
[LISTEN: Kenya Moore’s 911 Call… ]
Tensions are high and Kenya’s not making things any better with her over the top antics! Last year, it was the fan tricks and now its a scepter and a bull horn (so far).
While Kenya waved her wand across Cynthia Bailey towards Kenya, Porsha had had enough and snatched to from Moore’s grasp, stating, ?Bitch, don?t point that at me!?
Porsha says prior to the explosive fight that she felt Kenya played the victim all the time despite her bullying tactics and it proved to be the smartest thing she’s said thus far.
When Kenya pulls a bullhorn from behind the sofa, it seems to be the final straw for Porsha.
Kenya accused Porsha of cheating on her now ex-husband and then used her megaphone to call Porsha a ?dumb ho.?
Porsha and Kenya then stand head to head and before anyone could do much, William’s grabs a few of Kenya’s tracks and literally drags her to the floor.
We don’t see too much of the fight, but we do see Kenya walking away, unharmed, stating she wants Porsha fired.
?You?re gone!? she said, before walking away.
?I?m not going to sit here and get hit, by someone on TV? Kenya said. ?She goes or I go. She?s crazy!?
[READ: RHOA Reunion Tea: Kenya Moore Wants Porsha Stewart Fired… ]
Porsha breaks down, embarrassed as Phaedra and NeNe try to calm her.
?I can?t believe I did that!”
I have embarrassed myself. I?m so embarrassed? I can?t believe that ratchet ho made me go there.?
Porsha is carried off set by executive producer Carlos King and she tells Andy later that she ‘blacked out’ and explains the stress she’s been under since her divorce.
Andy sends Porsha home and the ladies continue the reunion without her…
[READ: Mugshot Mania: Porsha Arrested for RHOA Fight.. ]