Not only has NeNe Leakes been accused of assaulting Kim Zolciak on the set, but her fellow castmate and former buddy Kim revealed on the aftershow that NeNe’s marriage to hubby Greg is all sham and that NeNe’s been creeping with NFL player Charles Grant.
Charles Grant
Details below:
CLICK photo above to watch video of the Kim’s infamous phone call.
NeNe is totally enraged that Kim would put her business out in the streets and she has promptly denied ever doing the booty-do with Mr. Grant:
“Charles is not anybody I’m seeing. I want to know where Kim gets the information from.”
Although NeNe admits she has met Charles at a charity event, she says she is not interested in him romantically. “I’m happily married,” she says, “Gregg and I have been married for 13 years. He knows me and I know him.”
She adds, “Nothing that Kim says will ever break up me and Gregg. We’re very strong!”
That denial seems kinda non-specific to me. She didn’t say she doesn’t cheat, only that she’s not cheating with Charles… *sigh* Moving on…
NeNe may not be droppin it for Charles Grant, but used to drop it for anyone with a few dollars! NeNe admits in her new book,Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard Way, that she was indeed a stripper in her former unmarried life. NeNe (aka Silk <~ her stripper name) says? she doesn’t feel it was a mistake at all.
Photo by Derek Blanks
“Yes, I was a stripper – let the judgments ensue. I’m not ashamed” “What difference does it make if I danced or not?” she asks. “Is the sun going to stop shining? Is my past taking food out of your mouth?”
While she may never admit that undressing for money wasn’t the wisest career choice, she does feel the need to explain her reasons for doing so. “[I stripped] for the sake of my son, and to restore my confidence in myself,” she explains.
“My son was in private school, his father wasn’t chipping in for ?pull-ups or food, I had no job and no money coming in, the rent was past due, and the super told me and my roommate that our condo owner was about to put us out. It was about survival.”
But Nene – who called herself Silk during her dancing days as a nubile twentysomething – admits that she liked the power that came with being an exotic dancer. “I could make $500 off one guy just by turning him on,” she confides in the Touchstone Books tome. These men “were obviously there to see what I had, and I quickly realized that those men weren’t there to make me feel bad about myself.” (Source)
What do you think of these new revelations about your favorite housewife? Surprising or no…?
CLICK HERE to purchase Nene’s memoirs.