Photo via AJC
My favorite Real Housewife of Atlanta, DeShawn Snow, has been given the boot from next seasons show. DeShawn’s firing comes as no surprise, since reality television is all about the drama and Snow had none. The level-headed beauty sat down with Essence Magazine recently to clear the air about her termination:
[One of the producers] called and said that I was ?too human for a circus show? and that because the show did so well, they are about to pump up the drama and they didn?t think that I would fit in. He gave me an example, saying that during the reunion when I found out what a few of the other ladies said about me, they were expecting me to say more, but I?m not the type to go ?television? and start acting crazy because somebody?s talking about me. I?m fine with the decision. It wasn?t my decision. They let me go and there are no hard feelings.
NecoleBitchie bitched about it this morning and had me rolling…
“I was supportive of the show until I found out that half of them bishes were broke. Flaunting around in Cadillacs and Rovers when they should have been driving Hyundais. DeShawn?s storyline was boring, but she was normal and gave some balance to the show. And putting a white woman with a bad weave on the show is not balance. I?m tired of seeing stereotypical loud, gold digging, ignant ass, neck rolling black women on television fronting about what they do and do not have.“
Some say Tameka Foster-Raymond is in the running to take DeShawns place… 😯 No comment.
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