The Real Housewives of Atlanta is back with its 15th season, and while fans are certainly missing Nene Leakes & Porsha Williams, the first episode did not disappoint.
This week’s episode is titled, ‘Who gon’ check my new boo’ as Sheree Whitfield lands front and center with her latest love interest.
When Shereé introduces the ladies to her latest squeeze at Ross’s 40th birthday, the ladies reveal her new boo might be up to no good; as the walls close in on Sanya and her family, cracks start to reveal that their living situation isn’t so comfy.
Recap + Watch FULL episode below…
The ladies are back with a bang, and the drama is already brewing. The episode starts with Shereé introducing her latest squeeze, Martell Holt, who is best known as the cheating husband from OwnTV’s Love & Married Huntsville.
It’s immediately clear that Sheree & Martell’s relationship (if you can call it that) is a match made in PR heaven as the handsome couple quickly began to shade the other cast members. Sheree speaks about Kandi’s negative press run, where she discussed their “opportunistic” pairing, and Martell throws a bit of shade as he refers to Todd as the one who seized an opportunity.
Whatever the case, Sheree & Martell are clearly the hot topic this season and producers zoom in on his hot bod, as Whitfield giggles about him having “Big D” energy.
[Sidebar: On thing we know about Sheree is that she’s gonna give “mediocre” men a shot (in my Eboni K. Williams voice)… but I digress.]
Meanwhile, Kandi Burruss meets up with her Kandi Koated Klique and the first topic of discussion is…. (drum roll)… Sheree and her flop of a fashion line. As we recall, Sheree finally launched her SheBySheree fashion line during the Season 14 reunion, however the website crashed and no products were sold.
Fast forward to present day and Sheree is rocking “SheBySheree” athletic wear in dayum near every scene… but oddly enough, no one has ever scene the fashion line on the streets. It’s still somewhat of an urban legend around these parts, but with Bravo as a launching pad, there’s still hope.
Kandi and her “Klique” continue to shade Sheree and her community peen also. Kenya Moore and Monyetta Shaw even drop in to chat and they all join in on discussing Martell’s shady behavior. Kenya even reveals that Holt tried to slide in her DMs, but she didn’t respond because she knows he has a reputation for getting women pregnant. Kenya also throws a low blow at Sheree, stating that she knows that’s not something Whitfield would worry about since she no longer has periods.
But wait… aren’t Kenya and Sheree about the same age?? Chile… moving on.
Kandi speaks about her struggles with balancing work and parenting, and she brings out the shaky goat voice to reveal that she and Todd are having issues. Burruss also admits that her son Ace told her she works too much and the shady producers even provide proof in the form of a recorded phone conversation where Ace called in the middle of filming crying about his homework. Kandi suggested he get the nanny to help but Ace wanted his Mommy there.
Welp… I guess Marlo was right about Kandi being too busy to parent (click HERE if you missed that).
Sanya Richards-Ross plans a huge party for her husband’s 40th birthday. She has something to prove to the ladies since she’s known to throw a cheap party with lackluster food. This time she’s going all out with a $40,000 budget that soon turned into $100k. In addition to her stressing about keeping up with the Joneses, Sanya still has to deal with having a house full of family members, as her Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-in-law and their kids are all under the same roof.
While it used to serve a purpose for all of them to be around for Sanya during her days as an Athlete, it seems the family dynamic has changed and their living situation is revealed to be less than comfortable. Sanya has now hired her brother in-law as her assistant and his wife (her sister) feels somekindaway about the work arrangement. She even got a confessional to tell us how she felt (as if we care).
Now on to Marlo Hampton. It’s her 2nd year as a peach holder and it seems she now needs the help of a life coach to improve her parenting skills. Marlo still has custody of her nephews and she reveals that she hasn’t heard from her sister in a while. Despite having suffered somewhat of a breakdown last season, it seems Marlo has acclimated to the role of Muntie.
Shereé’ and Sanya have a workout date and Whitfield’s friend Courtney is introduced. She soon reveals that she already has an issue with Kandi, after hearing Burruss had been calling around asking about her. Sanya talks about the upcoming birthday bash and invites Courtney (we already know where this is headed). She also reveals that everyone has RSVP’s EXCEPT Drew (however, Ralph said he would be in attendance).
Fast forward to Ross’s party and it’s already poppin’ off as Courtney spills tea to Marlo about Kandi snooping around. The drama reaches a boiling point when Kandi and Courtney exchange words. Courtney seemed a bit over-eager to confront Burruss about asking around about her, while Kandi seems totally ready to go to blows at the swanky event.
[Sidebar: Whoooo chile… da Ghetto!!! *Nene Leakes voice*}
But wait… that’s not all. Sheree also makes her first public appearance with Martell on her arm and the ladies are shockingly surprised. While we all recall Sheree announcing to Andy at the reunion that she was dating the fellow reality star, it seems no one actually thought she would bring him to “work”.
Kandi dons her Afro wig in her confessional to shade Sheree about her dating choices. Kenya even suggests that Shereé needs a spin-off where she dates dumb dudes.
As the episode comes to a close, Monyetta delivers the news to Shereé that Martell has been seen with other women around Atlanta. Shereé is not one to be swayed with petty gossip, and she declares that she is a “Ferrari” while any other chick would be a downgrade (ie a Toyota).
Whatever the case, Kenya also joins in on the pile on and reveals to Sheree that Martell tried to talk to her first by sliding in her DM’s. What’s weird about this confession is that Kenya was totally happy about Sheree’s new relationship until she brought him on the show.
I guess since Kenya has no one, she’s “inserting herself” in Sheree’s PR relationship. It’s a weird flex, but whatever works.
Ralph also shows up without his wife Drew and he gives the ladies a random excuse of Drew having a “family emergency”… but aren’t they in the same family??? How can he make time for a party, but Drew can’t??
Overall, the first episode of the Real Housewives of Atlanta season 15 sets the tone for what promises to be an explosive season. The ladies are back with a vengeance, and while it’s clear Nene and Porsha are missed, the petty drama can hold us over in the meantime.