NEWSFLASH!! Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell-Martin have made amends.
Campbell-Martin once portrayed Gina, Lawrence’s love interest on his popular 90s sitcome, ‘Martin’ but the show ended it’s 5 year run after Campbell-Martin filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the star.
Well apparently Martin & Gina have managed to let bygones by bygones.

Details below…

Now THIS is what you call a ‘Black History Moment’! Martin was all smiles as he was sandwiched between his two former co-stars, Tichina Arnold and Tisha Campbell-Martin. The trio apparently met recently and word on the curb is that they are working on a ‘Martin’ reunion.
Tichina Arnold even fanned the flames with a post bearing the hashtags “#MartinShow” and “#90sMatter”…
Tichina Arnold’s character (Pam) was the love interest of Tommy Ford (Tommy). It’s sad that we won’t be able to see them reunite on screen as Ford passed away back in 2016.
Many felt that a Martin/Gina reunion would never happen due to the controversy that surrounded the show’s demise.
Here’s a little background on this cured ‘Martin’ beef for those of you who don’t know (or may have forgotten).
The 90’s sitcom, ‘Martin’ was built around Martin Lawrence and his relationship with “Gina” (Tisha Campbell-Martin). It was the hottest show on the Fox network between 92-97 but lost it’s steam when Campbell filed a lawsuit against Lawrence and the show’s producers for “sexual harassment and verbal and physical assaults”.
During the last five episodes of the show, Campbell character Gina was nowhere to be found and it was written in the script that she was “out on business” and in another scene, she had arrived too late to board a couple’s cruise alongside her friends.
Whatever the case, HBO Studios eventually settled with Campbell so that the show’s last season could be completed and she returned to the ‘Martin’ set to film the two-part series finale of the show… but only under the condition.
She would not share any scenes with or interact in any way with the show’s star, Martin Lawrence!
Nevertheless, they got through it and the show ended with a bitter farewell.
Tisha Campbell-Martin seems to be over it now and she recently told Hip Hollywood that something brewing with the cast of the 90s fav, but wouldn’t say too much.
In the video above, Campbell-Martin says that playing Martin’s love interest Gina was an honor, and she was surprised people still love the characters from the 90’s sitcom.
“I can’t tell you anything,” about a remake, she said, “But it’s very exciting.”
It’s been 20 years since the popular sitcom went off the air but it was one of FOX network’s highest-rated shows during it’s run. Martin Lawrence’s brand of manic comedy is still lives today in hilarious reruns but fans have been anxiously awaiting a reboot.