The world lost a musical legend when Prince Rogers Nelson passed away on April 21, 2016 and his shocking death is still being investigated.
There have been tales that Prince had an addiction to pain pill, that he had HIV and refused to take his meds, and even that he committed suicide but one thing is certain, he’s gone… and the world still wants answers!
Now, the story of his alleged prescription drug addiction has taken center stage after a press conference yesterday held by attorney William Mauzy.
Mauzy, who represents renowned opiate addiction specialist Dr. Howard Kornfeld, told reporters that members of Prince?s team contacted his for help.
Dr. Kornfeld runs the rehab center Recovery Without Walls in Mill Valley, California, which according to the center?s website, offers, ?a personalized outpatient clinic, specializing in innovative, evidence-based medical treatment for chronic pain and drug and alcohol addiction.?
Details below…
During the press conference, Mauzy stated that Kornfeld was contacted the day before Prince died and had cleared his schedule to see the artist as soon as possible.
In the meantime, he dispatched his son, Andrew Kornfeld, out on the next overnight flight to Minnesota.
When Andrew arrived in Minnesota he went straight to Prince?s Paisley Park estate for a scheduled meeting. Prince?s staff began looking for the artist and discovered him unconscious in an elevator.
According to Mauzy, it was the son who made the 911 phone call to summon help because the staff was so distraught (it’s Andrew’s voice that is heard in the 911 audio).
During the initial police investigation, it was discovered that Kornfeld had in his possession the drug Buprenorphine, which is used to treat opioid addiction.?? The drug is a controlled substance and Kornfeld is not a doctor so he was taken into custody.
But wait… Minnesota has a 911 immunity clause for those reporting an emergency,? so there was a legal issue raised as to whether Andrew could face illegal possession of a controlled substance charges.
He was released and told by police that a criminal investigation was underway regarding Prince?s death.? Police have not announced if a separate investigation into Kornfeld would also be started.
As for the drugs in the backpack, Andrew is NOT a doctor and even if his dad prescribed the drug for Prince, it’s illegal for anyone to take the drugs across state lines and deliver drugs in states where the doctor is not board certified.
Mauzy also addressed that in the press conference, stating that the drug in Kornfeld?s possession was not intented to be given to Prince directly.? It was arranged that Prince was to see a private Minnesota physician that morning as part of a coordinated effort.
The Minnesota physician, whose name was not reveled, was supposed to medically evaluate the star, stabilize him and possibly administer the drug.
Sadly, they were never able to launch their plan since Prince was discovered unresponsive in the elevator at his home.