The NFL vet turnt sports analyst/former husband of ?The Real Housewives of Atlanta? cast member Porsha Williams, is now suing Caldwell for making fraudulent statements indicating they?d had a relationship (click HERE if you missed that).
[READ: Kordell Stewart Responds to Andrew ?I?m Not Gay No More? Caldwell?s Accusations?]
Caldwell subsequently retracted his statements, but the video had already gone viral…
The suit, filed in DeKalb County Superior Court, also names ?The Gospel Truth? creator and producer Jarrius Keyun Moon and Catalyst Next LLC, which controls the Internet morning show ?The ShakeUP,? where Caldwell made statements claiming he and Stewart had a relationship.
?At all times during his life, Mr. Stewart has been, and is, a heterosexual male,? the suit states. It claims that Caldwell, a cast member of the upcoming show ?The Gospel Truth,? colluded with Moon to concoct a compelling fable ?to generate interest for ?The Gospel Truth.??
More details about Kordell’s lawsuit below…
According to the AJC, Kordell is on a mission to clear his name after being the target of an internet wannabe.
?The false and defamatory rumors that Mr. Caldwell and Defendant Moon agreed to publish are centered around Mr. Stewart having an extra-marital, sexual relationship with Mr. Caldwell,? it states.
Court documents include excerpts from the Caldwell’s October 1, 2015 interview with ?The ShakeUP? where he stated:
?I dated plenty of football players. I dated some in Atlanta. I dated, you know, Kordell. Yes. Kordell Stewart.?
?I didn?t know who he was at first ? I was like ?oh my God, that?s you.? And um, we was at a bar, we was at a restaurant and I was like, ?oh my God that?s Kordell? and they was like, ?yeah he?s a football player? and I was like, ?mmm, I like football players.??
The suit also acknowledges that Caldwell issued an apology to Mr. Stewart for “mentioning his name and making false accusations about him on ?The ShakeUP.’? He further stated that he does not know Mr. Stewart and made up the statements.?
Stewart lawsuit claims that Caldwell’s ?ShakeUP? interview was a fabricated effort to come up with a ?story line? for Caldwell?s new role on ?The Gospel Truth,? a reality show that’s in the works.? The suit goes on to say that the crators of the show should be held liable as well because they knew Caldwell’s statements were false.
Although they are well aware that Mr. Caldwell has admitted that he lied on ?The ShakeUP,? Defendant Catalyst Next continues to proudly share and broadcast the Interview on their website online?although they know that the statements concerning Mr. Stewart are false.
As a result of the Defendants? continuous intentional and malicious conduct, Mr. Stewart has been subject to public embarrassment and ridicule as the statements have operated to impair his career, damage his reputation and cause acute anguish to him and his family.
Stewart seeks ?general and special damages for ? loss of earnings, emotional distress and impairment to his reputation.?? ?
[Sidebar: I’m just surprised he didn’t sue Porsha too.? Didn’t she insinuate the same thing??]