The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired part 2 of the season 7 reunion show last night (May 3, 2015).
Last week, the ladies kicked off the reunion with minimal drama, as they appeared wearing all white on a set dedicated to peace and zen.
Part 2 of the reunion continues this week with Nene & Kenya bumping heads about their friendly wager, Phaedra & Kandi discussing the breakdown of their friendship, Cynthia and Peter addressing Portia’s cheating allegations, and Claudia took Demetria’s old position this week and remained on mute the entire episode.
Bravo synopsis:
In Reunion Part 2, the women discuss how friendships have shifted and created a new group dynamic, which leads to a tearful Kandi as she and Phaedra address the cracks in their relationship. Accused of stirring the pot, Cynthia speaks out about the backlash she?s received for being more outspoken than ever. Finally, the men join the mix to give their take on many of the hot-button issues from the season.
Recap + watch full video of The Real Housewives of Atlanta’s season 7 reunion (Part 2) below…

Life Lesson #1 – When you give from the heart there’s no need to announce it…
Kenya Moore attempted to call out Nene Leakes about their bet from last season’s reunion.
Last year at the season 6 reunion, NeNe suggested she and Kenya both give $20,000 checks to the Detroit Public Schools Foundation at the SAME TIME.
Kenya took months to ante up, but finally made her donation after getting her Trump cash from her Celebrity Apprentice appearance.
Nene never made her donation and I’m assuming she feels that the ‘bet’ had an expiration date.? Moore took to the reunion to strong arm Nene about it, stating: ?That really gets under my skin,? Kenya said. ?Why not cut the kids a check? That speaks to your character. You?re making this about some bullcrap? She has no excuse. I don?t think she will ever write the check.?
On the other hand, NeNe feels that Miss Ratchet USA is making a ?mockery? of charity by placing her check on social media as if she had something to prove.
[FLASHBACK: Instagram Flexin: Kenya Moore Cuts $20,000 ‘Trump Check’ To Detroit Public Schools… ]
At the end of the day, Nene isn’t going to allow Kenya to bully her.? Kenya gave when she was good and ready, so Nene says she will give when she feels like it too.
Life Lesson #2 – Plus size supermodels need love too…
Cynthia Bailey has changed teams and she’s also adopted a brand new attitude.
She?s become more assertive, more confident and more likely to spread messy rumors like that Mr. Chocolate situation.
?I think in a group like this, it?s important to have a voice,? Cynthia said. ?It?s also important to be a bitch in this group.?
While Cynthia’s target for her new ‘voice’ should have been her ex-bff Nene, it was Phaedra who caught the brunt of Bailey’s newfound confidence, but not without backlash.
Phaedra strikes back at Bailey by throwing quite a bit of shade. (Who knew Cynthia Bailey was a ‘Plus-size’ catalog model??)
In addition to the catalog revelation, Phaedra also blasted Cynthia and Peter about having at least ’20 open cases’ in Fulton county court.
As far as the rumor Cynthia spread about Phaedra’s African ‘Mr. Chocolate’, Parks responds:
?I didn?t do anything to compromise my marriage. I love Apollo. I still love him to this day.?
Phaedra says she never saw the text messages Apollo showed Peter, but admits it?s not difficult to create fictitious text messages.
Cynthia also reveals that she apologized about spreading the ‘chocolate’ rumor while they were in the Philippines but Phaedra says she didn’t feel the apology was genuine.
Life Lesson #3 – Real ‘friends’ make time, not excuses…
Sadly, Kandi and Phaedra’s friendship seemed to deteriorate right before our eyes during season 7.? The two ladies were once the closest friends ‘in real life’ but it seems that their reality show stint has ruined their relationship.
When asked about the situation, Kandi seemed to merely make excuses about her lack of support and even gave a long drawn out monologue about how her cousin had returned to prison, she had marital issues, she’d been stressed about her play… blah blah blah.
Phaedra sat quietly while Kandi explained her position.
Kandi was annoyed that she didn?t know about Phaedra?s concerns until she heard third hand. ?I was totally caught off guard,? Kandi said. ?That really tripped me out.?
?The tour being cancelled was not the only thing going on in my life,? Kandi said.
?I had a lot of other personal issues. I also had a family member going to prison at the time? I had to fire all those people. They were dependent on me. I was stressed about that.?
Kandi seemed flustered and shed a few tears during the segment, but it seems she was crying more out of frustration than sadness.
?I said I wouldn?t do this,? she said. ?I?m so mad at myself right now.?
Whatever the case, Kandi and Phaedra’s relationship is certainly not where it used to be, but real ‘friends’ make time, not excuses.
Life Lesson #4 – If she’ll disrespect one marriage, she’ll disrespect them all…
Kenya Moore is disrespectful and proud of it.? But in addition to being disrespectful, she’s forgetful as well.
When Phaedra brings up Moore’s continued contact with her husband, Apollo, Kenya suddenly forgets that SHE instigated that whole pool incident in Anguilla.
Kenya accuses Phaedra of ‘single-handedly’ starting rumors about her, but Phaedra calmly reminds Miss Ratchet USA that her actions created the situations, stating: “From day one, you flirted with my husband…?
Phaedra goes on to remind Kenya of Anguilla, how she openly flirted with Apollo several times… how Kenya continued to text Apollo when Phaedra asked her not to… how Kenya asked them about a threesome…. the list went on and on.
Kenya still plays the victim and defends her position by stating that “everyone flirts”… she then drags Nene in by citing NeNe flirted with Peter!
That didn’t sit too well with Nene and she demands that Kenya not disrespect her and her husband, but Kenya makes it clear she doesn’t care about disrespect. Never have. Never will.
Life Lesson #5 – ‘Housewives’ should have husbands…
Just last week, Nene leakes made a statement during an interview that all ‘housewives’ should at least be married.
[READ: Quick Quotes: Nene Leakes Feels Unmarried Housewives Should Get The Boot… (VIDEO)]
That being said, the ‘husbands’ joined the set to give their side of the season and they were greatly outnumbered.?? Seven housewives sat on the set, while only 3 husbands joined the conversations.
(Sidebar: There would have been 4 but we all know Apollo is on ‘vacation’… but I digress).
The final segment gave Peter Thomas, Todd Tucker and Gregg Leakes and opportunity to dive into ‘women’s business’.
Peter addressed being called ‘Lu-Peter’ – stating he’s going to always say what he wants to say, while Gregg admits he doesn’t get into all that because his wife is a ‘strong woman.’ stating: ?I?m a man?s man. .I work on swag. I don?t work on women?s business.? Todd didn’t have too much to say, but he did admit that he’s sold more shows.
We’ll get more from the men during Part 3 when Todd speaks about his pre-nup, and Peter answers Kenya’s accusations about Nene flirting with him.