The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 20th episode of it’s 7th season last night (April 5, 2015).
Last week, the ladies embarked on a trip to the Philippines where they all planned to ‘detox’ from all the drama in Atlanta.
[READ: RECAP: RHOA S7, Ep19 ‘Drama Detox’ + Watch Full Video… ]
This week’s episode is titled ‘From Zen to Sin’ as the ladies’ travel adventures continues.
Bravo synopsis:
In New York, NeNe has a costume fitting for her Broadway debut. In the Philippines, the ladies are reminded of the fun they have together.
To everyone’s surprise, Phaedra and Kenya come together in a discussion that changes the dynamics of the group.
Quote of the day:
?I didn?t call you a whore this year, once. I called you Satan…
Recap + watch full video below…
VIDEO: RHOA S7, Ep20 ‘From Zen to Sin’
Life Lesson #1 – Life is short. Relax and enjoy the view…
It’s another week of rest and relaxation as the ladies of RHOA enjoy their time in the Philippines.
For once, there’s a trip with minimal drama and some (i.e. Kandi) attributes the peaceful journey to Nene’s absence.
Whatever the case, the ladies change venues and leave their spa haven to head for Manilla, where they will embrace several group activities.
Life Lesson #2 – Dreams do come true…
While her cast mates are ‘bonding’ in the Philippines, Nene Leakes is in NYC preparing for her Broadway debut in Cinderella.
This week, Nene meets with the costume designer for a fitting, during which, viewers get a few flashbacks of how far she’s come over the years.
Bravo takes us back to the ‘rich bitch’ fight between Sheree & Nene, followed by several clips of Nene’s various acting gigs over the years.
I’m not sure if this is a grand good-bye or merely a salute to excellence but whatever the case, Nene still got plenty of screen time this week even thought the ladies were a gazillion miles away.
Life Lesson #3 – It’s a blessing to be a blessing…
During one of their group activities, Pheadra Parks’s tour guide shares a story about her husband’s death and Park’s immediately feels for the woman.
The woman was left to fend for herself while raising 5 children and Phaedra connects to the story being that her own husband has left her with 2 sons after being locked up.
To help in her struggle, Phaedra offers the woman a gift in the form of a large tip, which she graciously accepts.
In addition to her being a blessing to the Philippine stranger, Phaedra reaches out for her own blessings from Apostle Canada.
[FLASHBACK: Mugshot Mania – Apostle Canada Has Criminal Past… ]
On last week’s show, Parks agreed to a sit down with Kenya and she calls her Apostle to ask for guidance during the trying time.
Apostle Canada reassures Phaedra that she can remain calm in the midst of the storm, so she decides to move forward with the ‘sit down’ with her arch nemesis.
Life Lesson #4 – When all else fails, twerk it out…
They’ve been dragging poor Demetria McKinney all around the world and won’t even give her any airtime! This week though… Demetria gets a few seconds extra as she challenges Porsha Williams to a ‘twerk off’ on the bus.
The self-professed ‘donkologist’ Phaedra Parks thinks it’s all distasteful and would prefer to utilize her ‘ass’ets through her brainpower.
Kandi decides to rank the twerk off and calls it all a tie: Porsha has booty and no dance skills, Demetria has dance skills and no butt. Sounds about right.
I find it odd that while they are both supposed to be ‘background characters,’ Porsha gets all the airtime and confessionals while Demetria.. .gets zip, nada… nothing.
Demetria barely gets shown in scenes, which begs the question… why is she even there?
On the flip side, it’s looking like Princess THOT (Porsha) may be aiming to grab her peach back (if that’s even possible). Who knows? She’s certainly more entertaining than Clawdia… but I digress.
Life Lesson #5 – When all else fails, play the victim…
Kenya has been begging for a one on one from Phaedra for a while now and Phaedra finally decides to let her have her say.
Everybody knows I don’t see it for Kenya Moore, but I commend her for ATTEMPTING to squash the animosity between she and Phaedra. Now that I’ve said something good, let me get into the meat and potatoes of this fake azzzz apology session.
As I’ve said before, I’ve heard RHOA producers have been pressuring Phaedra to ‘forgive’ Kenya for all of her shenanigans and if you’ve been following the show for any length of time, I’m sure you’re about as tired of their beef as the rest of the crew.
That being said, I commend Phaedra for keeping her cool and allowing Kenya to play the victim.
It was clearly meant to ‘increase the peace’ and their segment, which was filled with Kenya’s fake tears and Phaedra’s frustration, certainly was a stepping stone to closing out their issue.
For the record, I think that Kenya totally played the victim by bringing up how Phaedra called her Kenya Moore-Whore but no where in the conversation did she ever admit that she (Kenya) had crossed the line time and time again by her own actions.
Phaedra’s statement about how Kenya could never understand her standing by her husband at the time probably went over a lot of heads but I caught that shade…

…and everyone lived happily ever after (this week).
[Sidebar: In case you were wondering how long Phaedra & Kenya’s truce lasted, it was probably about as long as the flight back to Atlanta from the Philippines last October. For the record, Phaedra wrote a blog several months after their return, insinuating Kenya had an affair with her husband (CLICK HERE if you missed that).]