The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 2nd episode of it’s explosive 7th season last night (November 17, 2014).
[FLASHBACK: RECAP: #RHOA Season 7 Ep 1 ‘Bye-Bye & Bon Voyage’ (WATCH FULL EPISODE)]
This week’s episode is entitled “No Moore Apollogies,” and it focuses on Apollo’s decision to ‘Apollogize’ to Kenya Moore, which I spilled here on the site back in July.
[READ: EXCLUSIVE: Apollo & Kenya Spotted Filming (VIDEO) + Kenya Moore Responds to Apology…]
Bravo synopsis:
Still trying to please her mother, Kandi decides to buy her a new house down the street, but Mama Joyce is up to her old tricks. Meanwhile, Apollo shows up to Ayden’s dentist appointment, which catches Phaedra off guard as the extreme tension between her and Apollo continues.
It?s opening night for NeNe in Vegas, and the nerves are starting to kick in. Meanwhile, Cynthia celebrates her new-found sexiness with a fabulous party, purposely leaving some of the ladies off the guest list. While the party is in full swing, Apollo shows up and drops a bomb that leaves everyone but Kenya in disbelief.
Recap + watch the full 2nd episode of RHOA’s 7th season below…
VIDEO: The Real Housewives of Atlanta S7, Ep2
Mama Joyce ‘needs’ a new house…
Kandi Burruss and her new hubby, Todd Tucker are settling in? to married life but Mama Joyce still isn’t quite on board with the union.
Kandi is still catering to her mom and this time she’s prepping to purchase a new home for Mama Joyce (even though she GAVE her mom her old house just a few years ago that she never moved into).
Todd feels that Kandi is going overboard and compares his wife to Oprah, stating….
‘You get a house… You get a house. EVERYBODY gets a house!”
The new home is actually down the street from Kandi and Todd’s new home but it seems Todd isn’t too happy about Kandi’s decision. Kandi reveals that Mama Joyce didn’t ASK for a new house, but she could tell that her mom was feeling somekindaway about living far from them.
Kandi just says she want’s everyone to be happy and when she shows her mom the home, it seems she may just get her wish.
When Mama Joyce tours the 7bedroom, 4bath home that Kandi has picked out for her, she loves it! So Kandi can breathe a sigh of relief… for now.
Phaedra prepares for ‘single’ motherhood…
As Apollo prepares to turn himself in to serve his 8 year prison sentence, Phaedra focus on her two young sons with the help of her mom.
After last week’s blow out, it seems Phaedra and Apollo may be living apart and Apollo shows up at Ayden’s dentist appointment to see his boys.
Apollo later reveals that Phaedra isn’t allowing him to see his sons so it kinda explains why he pops up at the dentist office.
In his confessional, Apollo admits that he needs to have a talk with his oldest son about his situation but in Phaedra’s confessional, she reveals that she’s trying to protect her sons from the painful situation, stating:
I’m not raising no Dustin Diamonds, McCauley Calkins, or Gary Colemans.? I’m raising strong Black men and that’s what they will be…
SIDEBAR: Ayden’s dentist is a cutie! And yes… we all payed special attention to Dr. Howard!? Does anyone know him? Does he make house calls? *swoon*
40+ and Fabulous…
Cynthia?s 46 and fabulous and she’s celebrating her Ebony Magazine ?Sexy at Any Age? spread at her husband’s Bar One restaurant.
[FLASHBACK: Cynthia Bailey Celebrates Ebony Magazine Spread (EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS)]
The ladies all gather at Peter’s restaurant for the celebration.? Kandi, Kenya and even the ‘newbie’ Claudia Jordan (who has yet to be introduced) show for support, while Nene Leakes and ex-housewife Porsha Williams were both omitted from the guest list.
It was nice to hear Kandi supporting Porsha even though she wasn’t there. Burruss made a point to tell Kenya how she felt about the situation and that her waving the props was a bit much.
Earlier, when Peter asks Cynthia about the guest list, she admits that she strategically excluded her ex-BFF, Nene Leakes, and compares Leakes to the non-cancerous growths she had removed last season, stating:
I?m ridding myself of all negativity and negative people?being friends with NeNe is a full-time job.
It was way more draining than my fibroids could ever be.
For the record, Nene was working on Zumanity at the time and wouldn’t have been there anyway but that’s not as drama filled as saying she wasn’t invited.
But I digress.
Nene experiences stage fright in Vegas…
NeNe Leakes prepares for Cirque du Soleil Zumanity’s sold-out opening night in Las Vegas.
While NeNe has had several acting jobs in the past, this particular gig has brought out a bit of insecurity in the veteran ‘housewife’ and she’s experiencing a bout of stage fright.
I?ve never sweated so much in my life!
I grew a pair of balls that night. Talk about being a drag queen!
In the end, Nene gets it together and performs perfectly for the Vegas crowd…
[PHOTOS: Nene Shows Up & Shows Out for Cirque Du Soleil’s ‘Zumanity’… ]
Kenya Gets an ‘Apollo-gy’ & Apollo gets revenge on his wife…
During season 5, Kenya revealed to Kandi that Apollo had been texting her. She also brought it up during the reunion where she smugly told Phaedra, ‘tell your husband to stop texting me, then.’
Kenya’s antics with Apollo is pretty much the sole reason why the rest of the housewives don’t deal with her. I mean… if she’ll flirt with one husband, she’ll flirt with them all, right?
Anywoo… during Cynthia’s celebration, Apollo shows up and appears to be on a mission.
Phaedra is no where in sight and Apollo reveals to his friends that his marriage is ‘spiraling downhill’… I was there and i twas around that time that the evening goes left.
It’s clear that Apollo is riding solo for the evening and Phaedra isn’t coming out, so the producers work overtime to convince Apollo to film a scene with Kenya.
He’s heading to jail soon and doesn’t have much to lose. He’s pissed at Phaedra for ditching his court date and it’s me belief that he sees this has his chance to strike back.
Apollo agrees and the two set up a scene outside of the bar.
While Kenya waits for her car, Apollo offers an “apology” for everything that’s happened over the years, including lying about Kenya offering to have sex with him in Los Angeles.
What he says exactly is… “I apologize for telling my wife you offered me fellatio.”
He never says he lied and the editing is interesting. He does say he ‘apologizes’ for making her feel ‘less than a woman’ and that satisfies Kenya enough for her to feel vindicated.? The clincher comes when Kenya says that the apology she’s really seeking is from Phaedra! *sigh*
[FLASHBACK: EXCLUSIVE: Apollo & Kenya Spotted Filming (VIDEO) + Kenya Moore Responds to Apology…]
I’ve heard that producers want this whole textgate thing to die and Apollo’s scene was step 1. I’ve also heard that they want Phaedra and Kenya to make amends and feel that their ‘beef’ has gone on for too long.
All I know is… Kenya was brought on the show to do exactly what she’s done thus far and now that no one cares for her, they are trying to put things in reverse.? Who knows, it may work. Stranger things have happened.