Clifford ‘T.I.’ Harris was recently spotted in New York where he was taking a leisurely stroll with friends.
The kaaaaang of the South was recently crowned king of confidence after he reportedly sucker punched champion boxer Floyd Mayweather in a jealous brawl over the Memorial Day weekend.
[READ: Floyd to T.I.: ‘These Ho’s Aint Loyal’ + Tip’s Response to Black Eye Rumors (VIDEO)]
The brawl has even been followed up with an ESPN analysis (click HERE if you missed that).
Whatever the case, the paparazzi caught up with Tip in NYC and inquired about the incident.
Tip has apparently moved on and he says that while Mayweather may be used to talking about a fight after it’s over, where he’s from… they don’t do that!

Watch video of T.I.’s recent statements in NYC below…
TMZ reports:
T.I. says the beef between him and Floyd Mayweather is over — and if you think he’s going to spill any details about what went down between them … think again.
The rapper was out in NYC on Monday with a few friends when our photog hit him with a barrage of questions about his recent fight with Floyd … but T.I. insisted things were all good now.
As for why he wouldn’t spill any details about the actual fight, T.I. explained, “He may be used to talking after his fights … where I’m from, we don’t talk after ours.”
‘Nuff said.