The unemployed single mother, whose life couldn’t even be “fixed” by Iyanla Vanzant (click HERE if you missed that), made a mockery of the justice system by filing frivolous lawsuits against 3 Atlanta bloggers in at least 3 Atlanta area courts in two different counties.
[READ: Freedom of Speech Ain’t Free: Bloggers Face Bitter Ex-Housewife In Court (VIDEO)]
My high-powered attorney, Michael Miller, shut Sheree down over and over again in court with one dismissal after another. The whole situation would have been funny if it wasn’t so dayum laborious.
(Sidebar: Rumors of my incarceration have been greatly exaggerated… )
[READ: Tamara Tattles faces Sheree in Court… Again! ]
Each time Sheree showed up in court it was a spectacle and each time she left the courthouse, she was even more bitter and upset about the outcome.
But here’s the gag… while Sheree was struttin’ down to the courthouse filing papers to lock people up for talking about her, we were gathering documentation on her attempts at extortion.

Details below:
Sheree has been harassing me through the legal system for months now by filing a slew of cases.
In March, she filed a TPO claiming we were “stalking” her. Oddly enough, I’ve never contacted the woman EVER in life so clearly “stalking” was a stretch.
Sheree leaked that she’d filed the TPO’s to TMZ and even hit up CNN’s headline news to discuss her quest.
Didn’t work.
The first round of TPO’s were all dismissed (click HERE if you missed that).
Whitfield then hit up Fulton County Magistrate court to seek criminal charges for the next round of courtroom drama.
Didn’t work.
We all appeared in court May 2. 2013 to defend Sheree’s applications for criminal warrants (yes… that b*tch really tried to lock us up), which she’d filed in her name (dismissed because she wasn’t the owner of record at the time) and then refiled in her daughter’s name.
Didn’t work.
Sheree’s attorney tried to negotiate prior to trial, presenting us with an option that if we agreed to stay 500 yards away AND stop blogging about her, she would drop all the cases… I almost agreed, but since Sheree wouldn’t agree to a MUTUAL stay away order, negotiations failed. (CLICK HERE to read about that).
We proceeded and after 6 hours in court, Sheree still came out a loser (as usual) when the judge determined no laws had been broken.
[READ: Freedom of Speech Ain’t Free: Bloggers Face Bitter Ex-Housewife In Court (VIDEO)]
I believe Sheree’s sole intent was to harass all of us and block our 1st amendment rights to free speech, especially since each and every time she brought an action against us, there was always some request that if we stop blogging about her she would “make it all go away”.
[Sidebar: She doesn’t like being referred to as a “broke b*tch”…. I get it, I wouldn’t either. But the facts are the facts, and there’s no crime in speaking on them. *shrug*]
[READ: Broke Bitches Ball: Chateau Sheree Update Pt 2 (VIDEO) – Jan 2013]
Now comes the final action brought by Sheree (hopefully)… another attempt to file a TPO claiming we were stalking her (3rd time’s the charm right?)
Nope… still didn’t work.
Here’s where her attempts at extortion come in… prior to our scheduled court date, Sheree contacted an uninvolved 3rd party (who shall remain nameless) and tried to set up a meeting with me to “squash” things. I consulted with my attorney, who advised that while the 3rd party may be trustworthy, Sheree certainly was NOT… so I chose to forego the meeting.
See here’s the deal.. since there was a TEMPORARY protection order in place that we hadn’t responded to yet in court, had I chose to meet with Sheree like she suggested, there is no doubt in my mind that she would have pulled out her TPO paperwork and tried to have me arrested. While she would have been crossing our mutual acquaintance, it would have been her one and only “win” and I didn’t want to risk being set up.
As evidence of Sheree’s plan, the day after she contact the 3rd party, she tried to have me arrested when I was subpoenaed to appear as a witness in Tamara Tattle’s case (click HERE to read about that.)
Nene Leakes was right…. the woman is evil! (WATCH VIDEO)
There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe her emotional instability, so I won’t even try. What I will say is this… while I never agreed NOT to blog about her, Sheree won on one accord. She basically stopped me from blogging by keeping me tied up in court.
The final TPO hearing was held last Friday (May 31, 2013) and Sheree’s grimy Italian boyfriend, Jason Lapene (click HERE to read up about him), acted as her attorney and spoke on her behalf.
[FLASHBACK: Sheree faces unpaid attorney’s in court… ]
The Judge in the TPO case clearly didn’t want to hear it and suggested that my attorney try to mediate the situation with Lapene and Sheree.
For the record, Lapene testified in previous courts that he was a) Sheree’s web designer and b) her real estate investor. No where on his r?sum? is a law degree, and its my understanding that practicing law without a license is a crime… but I digress.
Freedom of speech ain’t free… 😯
I could go on and on about what was said, what was requested and denied and what Sheree THOUGHT she was going to do to strong arm me into never blogging about her gain, but after another 6 hrs in court, the final outcome of the TPO hearing was another dismissal due to a mutual consent order (i.e. we both signed) which Sheree admitted she was NOT being stalked.
(Since she had already testified that I’d never contacted her (no way no how) and had never visited her primary residence, a judge also agreed that “stalking” wasn’t an issue.)
In the end we basically agreed to do two things that I wasn’t doing anyway just to get her crazy “A”zz outta my life.
1. Stay 500 yards away from the “Chateau Sheree” construction site (no address listed in the order since we all know where it is).
2. Stay 500 yards away from whatever apartment home she’s currently renting (I have no idea where she lives… nor do I care.)
Sheree also agreed to the following:
1. That if she moves, she had to notify my attorney of her new address (so that I can make sure to never go in that direction!)
2. That if she moves near me, it’s not a violation of the agreement.
Done and done-ER! The shade in all of this is that there are no addresses on the order because a.) I have no clue where Sheree lives and b) she has no clue where I live. Funny how “stalking” works, huh? SMH…
Hilariously Funky Dineva signed the same agreement and asked if it would block him from being able to cuss Sheree out if he ever sees her in public… and guess what, we’re all free to do so!
No gag orders… no arrests… no TPO’s… and we agreed to do something we were already doing.
Now Sheree can move on with her life with her greasy Italian boyfriend… at least until he can hook up with the next reality show vixen on his hit list.
Hopefully she can find something else to do with all that free time until she finds another way to embarrass herself on TV… like take care of her kids or finish building her “Chateau”… near the bus stop… on that busy route!
[READ: Chateau Sheree Progress Report (Part 1) – April 2012]
[READ: Broke Bitches Ball: Chateau Sheree Update Pt 2 (VIDEO) – Jan 2013]
A very SPECIAL shout out to my attorney, Michael Miller, who believed in my case and worked hard to get that monkey with a wig on off my back!