Another day, another lost court case for?Sheree Whitfield.
[FLASHBACK: Sheree Whitfield’s Unpaid Divorce Attorneys Granted $110,000 Judgment Against Her… ]
If you recall, the former Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member made it back into the news a few weeks ago after filing restraining orders against three Atlanta area bloggers who all had one thing in common…. we reported on “Chateau Sheree” aka “Neverland.”
[FLASHBACK: Funky Dineva: Chateau Sheree Xposes Part 1 (PHOTOS + VIDEO)]
Whitfield faced one blogger in court and lost and according to court records, the two remaining cases have been quietly dismissed in Fulton County Superior Court.

Those of you who follow me on my various social networks [i.e. Twitter: @ATLien – Instagram: iAmAtlien -?Tumblr:] know that I was traveling all last week so this news was totally off my radar.
However, I appreciate loyal reader Jay-Cee for bringing this bit of news to my attention. In an email received Friday afternoon Jay-Cee wrote:
from: JayCee (email removed)
to: straightfrothea
date: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 4:31 PM
subject: Sheree case dismissed?Michelle,
I see you are out being gone with the wind fabulous all around the world but girl I’m waiting for your update on Sheree and those stupid restraining orders! I read your site every day and have been waiting to hear about the court case.
You didn’ t post anything today so I checked the court case on the Fulton County website (I was bored not nosey lol) and see that the case Sheree filed against you and Quentin Latham (Funky Dineva) both say they were DISMISSED on 3/25/13.
Did you know about this? Did Sheree do this on the sneak tip? Here is a copy of the court status but you can also look it up on the court website.
I cant wait for you and Funky Dineva to do a video on her old tired washed up ass.?Now?I believe your article about Sheree doing stunts for Iyanla. It makes sense and I agree with you.
Thank you for bringing us the real TEA!
TMZ broke the news a few weeks ago that Whitfield had been “granted” restraining orders against three Atlanta bloggers, but the story wasn’t quite accurate. ?Sheree even appeared on CNN’s Headline News?to discuss how afraid she was about people taking photos of a home she’ll most likely never live in.
Needless to say, it seems that Sheree used the courts to create a buzz for her upcoming appearance on Iyanla Vanzant‘s “Fix My Life”… but isn’t that some kinda illegal?
[READ: Bob & Sheree Whitfied on Iyanla Vanzant’s “Fix My Life” (Sneak Peek Video + Photos)]
By the way… Sheree’s “Fix My Life” episode airs April 20th.
It’s much easier to earn a living ‘pretending’ to be real than working a 9 to 5, and since ‘pretend’ reality is the norm these days…?I predict there’s more television drama awaiting the drama queen we all know as Sheree Whitfield.
Stay tuned boys and girls…
Do you believe it was all a publicity stunt for Sheree’s “Fix My LIfe” Appearance?