Things are getting really nasty between Porsha Stewart?of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and her soon to be ex-husband Kordell Stewart.
Kordell meticulously launched a commando attack seeking to boot Porsha from his life after filing a divorce petition in Fulton County, Georgia a few weeks ago.
[READ:?Kordell & Porsha Issue Statements + Why a “7-Figure” Settlement is Unlikely…?]
The couple is currently going through a very bitter… and very public divorce battle?which seems sparked by Kordell’s obsessive need for control. ?Porsha wants to see her name in lights… and Kordell wants a woman who will tend to his household.
For the record, Porsha is not rich and did not come from a “wealthy” family, so she’s seeking some sort of financial security out of the demise of her short lived marriage.
[READ: Porsha Wants Way More Than Her Name in Divorce From Kordell… ]
The good news in all of this drama is that things are looking up for Porsha’s “career” since she’s expected to return to RHOA for the 6th season, but the bad news is it seems she’s hit a bit of a roadblock now that Kordell’s playing hardball about her access to his home.
Dear Porsha…

I revealed in?a recent post that Kordell lived away from the home he shared with his soon to be ex wife, ?off and on for months.
Since filing the divorce, Stewart reportedly felt his presence was needed in his home, to protect his assets… you know… just in case.
Now that Kordell is back under the same roof as Porsha it seems he’s been playing games with the locks and every time Porsha leaves, Kordell “secures” the house so that she has problems getting back in.
Since this divorce drama has been going on for weeks, Porsha had her attorney file a motion about her “restricted access”, claiming that “Kordell was locking her out of the house — and bringing another woman into the home”.
According to TMZ, Kordell has filed new documents with the courts complaining of Porsha’s penchant for partying til all hours of the night and that she disturbs the household when she returns by calling the police to gain access to the home she shares with him.
In his response, Kordell claims he?only locks the house at night for security purposes and that the real problem is that Porsha frequently leaves the home for several days straight and sometimes she comes in between 2:00 AM and 4:00 AM reeking of liquor.
[Sidebar: Sounds like high school all over again! Remember when you used to have to “break in” to the house after staying out way past curfew and you off the alarm? ?No?? Well maybe it was just me… *shrug*]
Kordell also responds to?Porsha’s claim of “another woman” in the house, stating that it’s the nanny he was forced to hire because of his estranged wife “neglecting her responsibilities to her stepson.”
[Sidebar again: There’s way too much going on in the Stewart household… I bet it’s like ‘War of the Roses’ in that joint! ?Remember when you got divorced and you and your soon to be ex-spouse argued over who was gonna keep the BoyzIIMen cd collection? No?? Ummkay...]
But wait… there’s more!
Those pesky gay rumors that have reportedly followed Kordell throughout his NFL career (click HERE if you missed that) have apparently resurfaced. ?This time, it’s being reported that Kordell has been cruising the streets of Atlanta instead of Philly seeking male companionship.
According to?Obnoxious TV, Kordell recently tried to pick up a date at a Hawks game:
A male usher at Philips Arena said that Kordell Stewart came on to him the last time he attended a Hawks game.
According to the usher, who would like to remain nameless, Kordell asked him what was up and asked for his phone number so they could hook up sometime when he is not at work.
The usher said he smiled and played off because he was very uncomfortable by what Kordell said and how he was looking at him, but he was at work and had to be cool.
Yeah… it’s all hearsay at this point. ?But I’m sure we can expect to see even more stories like this pop up in the days to come.
Divorces are messy and emotional and PUBLIC divorces are even more so. If you recall, Wendy Williams tried to warn Porsha about the “reality show curse” to marriages but she wouldn’t listen.
[FLASHBACK: Porsha Gives Props to Women Over 40 + Wendy Let’s Her Off Easy… (VIDEO)]
For those of you who think the Stewart’s divorce is all a publicity stunt… think again! It’s about to get even messier in the days to come.
Do you think Porsha & Kordell’s marriage would have survived had they stayed off of RHOA?