[LISTEN: “Ain’t Nobody’s Business” – Rihanna ft. Chris Brown (AUDIO)]
How did she do it? By posting a photo of Breezy online spread eagled in the bed….

We get it RihRih… you got skillz… 😯
As if twitter wasn’t already the cause of many a relationship break-up…. but I digress!
On a related note though, C-Breezy quite the social networking site after he went on a cursing rampage against a comedian who dissed him online…
Apparently Jenny Johnson struck a nerve and Chris Brown fired back at her with the following…
It would have been even more awesome if Brown’s final tweet had been… “I quit this b*tch” but that’s too much like right.
No worries kiddies… trust me when I tell you this ain’t the last you’ve heard of Chris Brown online. He’s quit the tweets before and always comes back.
I personally think it would be a smart move for him to stay offline because either those anger management classes he took after that Rihanna beat down didn’t work or he needs a refresher course.
And while it’s great for “celebs” to be able to get so up close and personal with fans, I think that social networking is killing true “celebrityism” by bring the “stars” to close to earth.
But maybe that’s just me…
Do you think Chris Brown should return to the tweets?