All those reports about a Kanye West?sex tape being shopped around may be a bit too coincidental (considering who he’s currently dating) but apparently the rumors are are absolutely true!
[READ: OMG!! Kanye Sex Tape Being Shopped To Media! (Screenshot)]
It was revealed a few days ago that several media outlets had view the footage, which features Yeezy taking a DIVE into a Kim Kardashian look alike.
He’s reportedly going ballistic over the thought of it being seen by the public, but now there’s not only ONE video being auctioned off to the highest bidder… there’s TWO!
Details below…
According to TMZ:
The reports are true … a Kanye sex tape featuring a young woman in a hotel room is making the rounds — but what you haven’t heard … there’s a second tape and the 2 are nearly identical.
Both tapes are impressively long — the first is roughly twenty minutes … and the second is more than FORTY. And we’re talking constant action. Seriously, the guy takes no breaks. It’s incredible. Almost Sting-like.
We’re told the tapes were both shot several years ago with exes.
But wait… since word on the curb is that Yeezy’s tape is way better than Kim K’s, the “look alike” chick featured in the first tape may be about to get her shot at superstardom.
Kanye’s co-star is reportedly a chick named Monyy Monyy and she does look amazingly similar to Kimmy…
Sex tapes are known to turn nobodies into somebodies real quick these days, so I’m guessing this chick?will be the “new” Kim K in about 5…4…3…
Seems that Ye was telling the truth about his “Kim K” obsession.
Is it me or is that kinda creepy?