This time, it’s mega church leader Jamal Bryant making waves as he denounces Kanye West’s support of Donald Trump and washes his hands of West’s donation.
As previously reported, Kanye visited New Birth Sept. 15 for a popup Sunday performance as a part of his “Sunday Service” series (click HERE if you missed that). Apparently the mega star dropped a sizable donation that has since be “re-directed” from the church to Morris Brown college.
Pastor Bryant acknowledges exactly WHY he decided re-direct Kanye’s monetary gift and blasts West for his apparent support of white supremacist ideologies.
Details + video of Bryant’s declaration below…
In the video below posted to Bryant’s Facebook page, the mega church pastor shares what an awesome opportunity it was to reach the hip-hop community through Kanye’s visit, however his spirit won’t allow him to accept money from the superstar rapper.

Bryant acknowledges that it was West who reached out to him to bring his “Sunday Service” to New Birth and says he thought it was “an amazing opportunity… and amazing door for us to do evangelist work from the inside out”.
6000 young adults and college students waited outside and over 150 people accepted Jesus Christ on that day.
After his visit to New Birth, Kanye visited Allen Temple in Jamaica Queens, and also payed a visit to the Bahamas to personally view the destruction left behind from recent storms. Bryant notes that shortly after West made his ‘Black Church’ tour, he headed to Utah where in front of a mostly Caucasian audience, West boasted about his support of Donald J. Trump.
He (West) left there and made the bold declaration that he was an ardent supporter of Donald J. Trump. And in making his decisions, he never factors in race. And that he was devoutly committed to the Republican Party, because the republican party was the party that freed the slaves.
Bryant states that he was completely aghast with Kanye’s declaration especially in light of Trump’s many questionable actions towards people of color. After seeing Kanye’s recent statements, Bryant says he’s not touching any donations from the star.
Much has been bantered and discussed about his visit was about the call for money. I want you to know that whenever you serve God you got to be able to do so with clean hands and with a pure heart.
I don’t align to the statements Kanye West, I don’t endorse it nor do I subscribe to it and I am not a runaway slave.
To that end, Mr. West made a significant donation to New Birth Cathedral, but I do not want to be guilty of double speech. I met with my team today and the donation that he made to our church, I am now redirecting.
I am thankful for the gift, thankful the seed, thankful for the sacrifice but
I don’t want to be seen in any way, shape or form to be seen in cahoots with philosophy or with policies that keep our people in bondage.
If nobody else, I want HIM to be able to know (as well as citizens of the culture) that I am not a preacher that can be bought or comes with a price tag.
The Church plans to redirect West’s donation to Atlanta’s Morris Brown College.
Bryant said the funds will be used to make a financial contribution in honor of the Grammy Award-winning artist’s late mother Donda West, who previously served on the faculty at Morris Brown.
Morris Brown College has struggled financially since losing its accreditation in 2002. Only a few dozen students attend the college, down from as many as 2,700 in the mid-1990s. Among Historically Black Colleges and Universities, it is the only one in Georgia founded by African Americans.
The size of the donation wasn’t immediately announced.