The blond leggy granny hit up Conan O’Brien’s late night TBS talk show a few days ago and he seemed quite enamored with Mrs. Leakes, who was there to promote her upcoming sitcom, The New Normal.
With a few smooth compliments about her beauty, Conan managed to get NeNe to open up about her love life and when he asked NeNe if she was in a relationship, the Atlanta “housewife” revealed that she?s ?legally single? and dating men (insert side-eye).
I guess that means she’s just paying Gregg to be her “driver” these days.
[READ: Boo’d Up NeNe Leakes and Her Fake “Ex” Hubby Gregg… (PHOTOS)]
[SIDEBAR: The joke is on any of you who believe Nene’s dating ANYONE but Gregg, but I digress.]
Watch video of Nene on Conan below…
VIDEO: Nene Says Shes “Legally” Single and Dating on Conan O’Brian
NeNe told Conan she?s willing to date men of all heights, she’s seeking a man who can support himself financially…
They do need to be financially stable ? I?m not taking care of you.
Leakes also spoke about the newest addition to her family, her granddaughter Bri’Asia and how she’s turned being a grandmother into being a “GLAM-mother.”
VIDEO: Nene Talks Being A “Glam Ma” on Conan
I’ve got to give it to her… Nene certainly knows how to “spin” a story! “Legally single” huh?… sounds like she’s cosigning what I’ve been telling y’all all along.
What do you think of Nene’s explanation?
…and why do you think she’s still talmbout she’s “dating” when she’s with Gregg everywhere?