In the interview, White who was recently offended after his fans talked slick about his non-Black wife, felt the need return the favor and offend a few people himself by going on a rant about racial stereotypes on reality televsion.
One statement in particular was aimed at NeNe Leakes…
Do you believe that the stereotypes we see on TV are prevalent in the race or just portrayed on TV? Is it really the majority of black women that act like Nene?
I have five sisters and two moms, none of them are like that!
To me, I can say I?m offended if they want to represent that and don?t want to represent my mom, but my mom represents Phylicia Rash?d and has been represented on TV all my life. I can?t say that.
I don?t watch ?Real Housewives,? I?ve never seen an episode of ?Love & Hop Hop? I?m not supporting it, I?m not giving it ratings. I?m not making the stereotype exist on TV. You?ve watched it, you?ve added to why it?s on TV. (Read Full Interview)
Of course you already know that America’s loudest housewife was NOT gonna let that slip by un-checked!
Leakes hit the tweets to respond to White, who is currently starring in the traveling production of What My Husband Doesn’t Know, and she made a point of adding that White is just jealous that she’s on TV and he’s not…
White boo… you have been officially CHECKED!
Funny tho… I thought we’d all agreed that Nene WAS the stereotypical Black chick on RHOA??
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t NeNe the most beloved on the show because some Black women can relate to her “hoodratness” and cheer her rise to success, while White women feel comfortable in knowing that she’s EXACTLY what they always thought Black women are…. LOUD & Unruly?
I guess being that she’s a “Rich Bitch” this season and toned things down a bit, things have changed… (at least in HER mind).
So what’s YOUR verdict?
Is NeNe a “Stereotypical” Black chick (whatever that is)?