Joseline Hernandez of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta may be headed back to the ‘skribb club’ after getting the surprise of her life during a performance recently.
[FLASHBACK: Stevie J’s ‘Coke Nose’ Photobombs Joseline Hernandez… (PHOTOS)]
Thanks to the internet, a video of JoJoDancer Joseline’s performance is circulating and she’s getting a ton of boos as she attempted to rap at a club event in Dallas.
Joseline clearly felt some kinda way and hit the net with a baffled response:

Check out video of Joseline’s Dallas performance below + bonus footage of her drunken recording session:
VIDEO: Joseline Hernandez Boo’d Off Stage in Dallas
On a related note,?Joseline Hernandez is not here for you ‘basic b*tches’ and she’s spitting a few bars in the booth to prove it!
My friend Funky Dineva obtained video of Joseline high, drunk and/or both as she was attempting to rap/sing/spit a verse (hell I dunno) while working on new music in someone’s studio.?
Dineva explains:
Sooooo, someone just tipped me off to check out up & coming? rapper ferrari ferrell?s Twitter page for some exclusive new music from Joseline Hernandez. Ha! As if I we were waiting for it. Bae-bae, you would think Miss Joseline is the reigning Queen of rap. Mama had the balls to diss Katy Perry, Lil Kim, Rihana, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce and more. If there was any doubt in my mind that Joseline was on drugs, all doubt has been absolved. Joseline? Really girl? You got the nerve to diss females who actually have talent, and you still wear Bongo jean shorts? Chile Bye? No tea no shade, Joseline raps like a deaf person. Stevie needs to scratch those dance lessons and get this woman some sign language courses.
VIDEO: Joseline Hernandez High in Recording Studio
I dunno what the hail I just watched, but whatever it was, it wasn’t good! 😯