Young Jeezy was scheduled to perform today at The University of Deleware, however the concert was canceled by officials yesterday (April 29) after an outbreak of the highly contagious Swine Flu. The concert, which was to feature Young Jeezy and upcoming rapper Drake, was scheduled for 8:00 PM tonight at UD?s Bob Carpenter Center.
UD President Patrick T. Harker announced that the concert, as well as a speaking engagement with noted journalist Gwen Ifill would be canceled, because 10 students on campus were suspected of having the deadly H5N1 avian influenza.
?While the Centers for Disease Control have not yet confirmed any swine flu diagnoses, I have no doubt that these suspected cases are causing a great deal of concern among the entire campus community,? University of Delaware President Patrick T. Harker said. ?The University’s first priority is the health and well-being of our students and employees. Therefore, we are working closely with the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) to safeguard student, staff, and faculty health.? (Source)
Sorry folks. We can’t have my boo in harms way! You can, however check out his recent visit to Indiana University under the cut:
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