You may have heard that there are efforts to revive the historic Black college reunion previously known as “Freaknik”….
[Read: Freaknik 2010: Are You Ready to Get Your Freak On?]
Well, I honestly feel it’s a bunch of bull-crap. Several promoters are battling it out online and off about who’s actually hosting the event, while time keeps ticking away.
Allegedly, it’s going down this weekend (April 16th – 18th) but all I’ve seen are cheap “A”zz flyers about some car show and random “A”zz email blasts citing “official” Freaknik parties at clubs I’ve never heard of.
I was hit up recently by one of the fake “A”zz promoters, who I won’t even acknowledge cause I don’t want to give him the free press, anywhoo this dude claims that news outlets are wrong about the other promoter and wants his time in the spotlight.
After I offered him advertising, he even offered me an interview for a fee… HAHAHAHAHA! 😆 *fans self* I can’t. Continue Reading…
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