There’s way too much going on at presidential rallies these days. Where the hell is security?? First a book gets thrown at President Barack Obama’s head… and then a butt naked man runs through the crowd.
This all occurred at a campaign rally in Philadelphia on Sunday, which was attended by upwards of 17,000 people.

The naked man, who was subsequently subdued by secret service agents (after he’d shed his clothes) is hoping to pocket a cool million dollars for his troubles.
Apparently this stunt transpired after a dare and if billionaire Alki David is an honest man, he’s cutting a check right now.? According to TheWeeklyStandard:
David is a billionaire shipping and bottling magnate who is known to carry out stunts, mainly by paying others to perform them. As the The Sun reported on August 17: “A WACKY billionaire has offered $1million (?638,700) to the first person who streaks in front of US President Barack Obama. Loaded Alki David has promised to pay out the cash ? providing the streaker writes the name of his website ‘Battlecam’ across their chest.”
?When I see the video and it?s confirmed…it won?t be check [that he sends], it will be cash,? David, reached by phone tonight, told THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
The requirements of the streaking stunt, David told me, are that the streaker must have been within ?eye-shot and ear shot of the president, they have to scream the name ?battlecam.com? six times, and they have to be nude.?

I wonder if he met all the requirements?
Would you get naked for Obama for a million dollars?
Who’s Talking?