I’m starting think there may need to be some written guidelines on social networking dating & relationships. Seriously.? Think about it.? Things are so much different online and off and people approach
Personally, I’ve always had a rule about NEVER dating anyone I met online.? First of all, umma need for someone, anyone, around him that knows me to at least warn him about me first.
In my logic, if I meet you online, most times there’s not that instant buffer of a common personal “connection,” no person to tell you (or I) the “real deal” about you and your shitty personality, so we each have to go off of what we read (or see) and is that really a fair assessment of who anyone really is? Hmmmmm?
If you DO choose to meet someone online, are there any online rules? What are the dos and don’ts when it comes to Facebook relationship status etiquette?
There’s been discussion groups for high school students, where they were guided in understanding the proper ways to handle Facebook relationships but what about all you GROWN folks?
Well, in case you feel lost in the land of Facebook relationship etiquette check out a few top dos and don’ts gathered during a recent online poll. Continue Reading…
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