Meet 87 year old Leo Sharp. Sharp posed for the mugshot above after being busted with a whole truckload of cocaine (about $2.9 million dollars worth to be exact).
His excuse? “they made me do it”.
Michigan State Police say they have found more than 100 bricks of cocaine in a pickup truck driven by an 87-year-old man.
The man, Leo Sharp, was pulled over on Friday for following too close and improper lane use on Insterstate 94, police said. A K-9 unit then detected the drugs, which were in black bags in the bed of Sharp’s pickup truck.
In total, 104 brick-shaped packages of cocaine, weighing about 228 pounds, were confiscated, police said, according to The Associated Press.
Sharp was charged with possession with intent to deliver.
In a court appearance on Monday, Sharp told the judge he was forced at “gunpoint” to carry the load. (source)
Why are y’all forcing yo grandparents to sell crack? I need answers!!
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