I initially chose to take a few days off to regroup during covid-19 and those few days turned into a few weeks, which turned into several months.
While I did what was best for my state of mind, I feel like I owe my die hard readers an explanation.

Writing about who got coronavirus today was totally taking a toll on me. In addition to that, it seemed as if the entire world was in turmoil with not only the virus, but with hatred as we all protested in the streets for the senseless killings of unarmed black men and women by police.
Piggy back that, with the strangest election ever… and umm…. yeah… I just didn’t feel inspired to write about what I was LIVING everyday.
Seems strange for a “blogger” to have feelings but some of us actually do.
On that note, I took to YouTube as an outlet and began to grow an audience as I took pleasure in hearing from you guys as opposed to sitting on my soapbox and writing all day. I also started a private group on Patreon, where I get even more personal with my audience.
Meanwhile, I’ve still managed to break stories (on youtube) as well as do several exclusive interviews. I’ll be uploading them here as well in the coming days, but I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to thank all of YOU straightfromthea.com readers who reached out to me over the past few months.
Solitude, quarantine, police brutality, election drama, karens and kens… 2020 has been ALL BAD but we were all in it together. There is a bright side thought… in dealing with the drama of this year, families were brought closer together and even strangers became fast friends online and off.
I hope to eventually be inspired to pick up where I left off and being that this was mostly a one woman operation, I strive to create a team in the near future to help me manage it all.
That being said…. StraightFromTheA is not going anywhere and I appreciate your patience with me while I get back into the groove of things.
If you’d like to catch up on any of my previous exclusives before they’re uploaded here, head over to my YouTube channel.