Clifford “T.I.” Harris is feeling ‘somekindaway’ about Floyd Mayweather’s decision to support Gucci after their blatant racial faux pas.
[READ: T.I. Calls For 3 Month Gucci Boycott After Blackface Backlash… ]
So much so, that he wrote a song about it called “F*ck N*gga”…. *sigh*

Now, before you dive in… please be aware that Tip and Floyd have been lowkey beefing for years now and most fans know that T.I.’s song wasn’t necessarily sparked over fashion.
Details below…
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the history of the “beef” before diving into Tip’s new song.
Do you remember when Tip and Floyd battled it out on the streets of Vegas? Well CLICK HERE to refresh your memory.
Back in 2014, Tiny spent a bit of quality time with Mayweather during one of the many times she and her rap star hubby were having marital problems. She and her BFF Shekinah partied in Vegas with The Money Team’s HNIC, and when the self-proclaimed King of the South got the news, he wasn’t too happy about it.
There was a bit of back in forth between the two men that resulted in Floyd throwing subliminal shots and T.I. throwing blows.
[FLASHBACK: Floyd Mayweather Tells T.I. ‘These Ho’s Ain’t Loyal’ + Tip Responds to Black Eye Rumors (VIDEO)]
Fast forward a few years to present times and just a few days ago Tip led the charge against a boycott on Gucci after the fashion house was called out about a ‘blackface’ themed sweater.
[READ: T.I. Calls For 3-Month Boycott of Gucci After ‘Blackface’ Backlash… (VIDEO)]
Blackface has a renewed resurgence in today’s societal discussions, given the recent focus on the revelations of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s yearbook photos depicting him in blackface (or in klu klux klan garb depending on which one he is) and Northam admitting to donning blackface to portray pop megastar and entertainment god Michael Jackson at a Halloween event and the Attorney General of Virginia, Mark Herring admitting to donning blackface as well.
In light of all the drama, Mayweather opined why he isn’t interested in any boycott on Gucci.
“I’m not a follower,” Floyd added … “You know when everybody else they say, ‘Everybody gonna boycott?’ I say guess what, this boy gonna get on a yacht and live life.”
“We all know racism still exists but that’s not gonna stop my drive. I’ve got friends from all walks of life and to me of course, black lives matter first … but my thing is this, I’m gonna continue to go out there live life and be happy.”
He added, “Half of the people that’s on social media saying, ‘Don’t wear this, don’t wear that,’ I ain’t never seen none of them supporting The Money Team.”
OF COURSE, Mayweather would find a way to make it all about HIM … the notoriously flashy athlete hit his favorite social network for stuntin’ (Instagram) and expands his thought on the hypocrisy of the celebs who are leading the outrage and boycott against Gucci.
He passes the buck into other areas of the black community that needs addressing as well. He also posts a picture of himself with legendary stylist and designer Dapper Dan. Mayweather using this instance as an example to state that he has always supported folks. Dapper Dan has a partnership with Gucci. Here, has a point, but what he posted is a sleight-of-hand trick to get the attention away from his initial comments about the Gucci boycott.
TI responds LIVE via Instagram, telling Floyd that he has no room to judge ANYBODY since he puts in no work for anybody other than himself. The rapper lists off some black-owned clothing brands like Rich Broke, Hideoki Bespoke, Striver’s Row, Heron Preston, AKOO, Hustle Gang, and Off White and explains how Tiny’s Prada purse has bananas all over it…
Meanwhile, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson who also has a recurring beef with once-friend-now-foe Mayweather adds in some of his trademark trolling.
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😆champ must have herd that TI song he big time mad. LOL #bransoncognac #lecheminduroi #bellator
Finally…. we get to the reason of this post.? Fed up with all the tomfoolery, TI releases “F*ck N*gga” as a diss to Floyd Mayweather.
TI’s art for “Fuck Nigga” was probably inspired by this IG post on Fiddy’s page…
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😆get the fuck outta here Champ! LOL #bransoncognac #lecheminduroi #bellator