NEWSFLASH! ?Karen ‘K.K.’ King of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is a wanted woman… again!
[FLASHBACK: Meet the Kings:?Details of Karen King’s Aggravated Assault/Kidnapping Charge + Her Victim Speaks Out… (VIDEO)]
King, who has a long criminal history, is also still battling a?shoplifting/forgery case?from a few months back (click HERE if you missed that), but that hasn’t stopped her from getting in even more trouble with the law.
The ATL reality ‘star’ reportedly failed to make timely payments on her Maserati and has ALLEGEDLY been hiding it from the repo man.
Now there’s another warrant out for her arrest. *sigh*
[SIDEBAR: What the hail is up with all of these ‘reality’ stars and their legal drama?!?]

Details below…. Continue Reading…
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