[READ: Open Post: Bow Wow Shares his Dating Turn Offs… (VIDEO)]
Shad Moss (aka Bow Wow) hit the net a few hours ago to chop it up with fans about politics. Moss claims he doesn’t really care either way and insinuated that he probably won’t even vote!
When one of his followers tried to school him about how many of his Black ancestors died to give him the right to cast a ballot, Moss says he didn’t ‘see’ that with his own eyes and he’s mixed anyway so it doesn’t apply.

When asked about his presidential selection, Moss proclaims that he’s not prone to vote for either candidate.
Bow Wow also goes into detail about why ‘Black Issues’ aren’t a deciding factor in his selection because he’s ‘mixed’.
But wait… it doesn’t stop there! Bow Wow goes on to argue with his followers about his ‘mixed’ heritage and how those are HIS ‘Roots’ and he’s sticking to them.
Wow… I actually find Moss’s tweets quite interesting.
Bow Wow uses the term ‘mixed’ as if he can rock a hoodie in an upscale Florida subdivision without an issue.
Bow Wow uses the term ‘mixed’ as if he couldn’t be one of the many Black men who have been unjustly stopped, harassed, beaten and/or killed at the hands of law enforcement.
He seems more ‘mixed up’ than ‘mixed’ but thats just my take on the situation.