t’s only been a year since Usher Raymond sought his third restraining order against Darshelle Jones (click HERE if you missed that), but apparently she’s not fazed by a little legal paperwork!
Jones, an Ohio resident, has been persistently pursuing Usher for over 4 years now and she recently returned to Atlanta to pick up the pieces of her imaginary relationship with the superstar singer by popping up at several locations he’s known to frequent.
Now… the Raymond has returned to court hoping that a judge will enforce the permanent restraining order he has against the troubled woman who has been relentlessly stalking him online and off.
Exclusive details about Usher’s latest ‘stalker woes’ below…
First and foremost, I have to say that I have my own history with Darshelle and I’m a tad bit leary about even blawgging about her at this point because she is batsh*t kray-kray, but it is what it is…
Here’s what I know about Darshelle Jones-Rakestraw…?She was once homeless because she was off her meds (I believe she’s bi-polar or has some other psychiatric condition), but she returned to Ohio shortly after that first stalking incident, where her young daughter was staying with her family. (yes… she has a daughter, so I don’t know why?she has time to commit to all of this nonsense).
That being said, Darshelle’s been on the internet a loooong time and was once considered one of Usher’s many ‘superfans.’
Jones still to this day maintains several websites and social media accounts dedicated to the star but regardless of all that, she officially crossed the line back when she showed up at Usher’s home four years ago claiming to be his wife.
[READ: Usher Files Restraining Order Against Stalker ?Wife? (COURT DOCS) + ?Wife? Responds Via Video]
Here we are in 2016 and she’s still pulling the same stunts. ?But honestly, I think she believes it herself. ?As evidenced by her recent IG post where she booked a flight to ATL under the name ‘Darshelle Ann Mar Jones-Raymond’…
Darshalle’s antics have been well documented on this site over the years…. she’s sent us ‘fan mail’ (READ: 39 questions from Usher’s Stalker) and even sent posted an entertainin video claiming she had ‘proof’ Usher was her man (click HERE if you missed that).
Those incidents and more earned Usher a 1 year restraining order in July 2012 against Darshelle, where she was arrested for criminal trespassing and ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
When the order ended in 2013, Jones-Rakestraw ?allegedly? began harassing Usher yet again, even leaving messages for his attorney. He then filed a 2nd restraining order, which resulted in brief arrest but at some point, the order was lifted.
[READ: Usher Stalker Provides ‘Receipts’ – 2nd restraining order reportedly dismissed… *COURT DOCS*]
Now, a lesser woman would have given up by now, but not Darshelle… she still pursued Usher and just last year, he was granted a PERMANENT restraining after Darshelle showed up at his Atlanta home yet again!
[READ: Mugshot Mania ? Darshelle Jones-Rakestraw aka ?Usher?s Stalker? Arrested in Atlanta? ]
According to the court docs filed May 14, 2015, Jones-Rakestraw represented herself as a representative of Usher?s New Look Foundation, and even created a ?Kickstarter? page for the charity that links to a separate page to raise funds to reinstate her nursing license. They also note that last month, Jones-Rakestraw sent out invitations to an event on behalf of Usher?s charity.
[Sidebar: Darshelle has pulled that same stunt using the ‘StraightFromTheA’ brand in a booster campaign. RealityTVScandals blawgged about it and soon found out (as I did) that Jones is kookoo for cocoa puffs!]
Seriously… if Darshelle can commit to stalking Usher for almost 5 years, she’s got way too much time on her hands and her brain doesn’t work like the ‘average’ person.
That being said, she’s probably in jail right now after posting photos a few days ago standing outside of the studio where Usher rehearses…
TheJasmineBrand is reporting that Usher headed back to court after these posts hit the net a few days ago and it’s been silent on Darshelle’s social media since that time.
Usher Raymond?has returned to court pleading for help from the judge, explaining his 4+ year stalker has popped up again despite his permanent restraining order against her. The singer claims she recently sent him a marriage proposal and?a Happy Birthday video.
Usher’s got his hands full with this one! ?I’ve had my fair share of stalkers and it’s not fun… trust! ?The situation goes?from funny, to sad, to downright disturbing once someone has a weird fixation and/or concocted an imaginary relationship.
Where is Darshelle’s friends and family?? I hope there’s someone out there who can see that she gets the help she needs.