This week’s episode is titled, ‘If The Shoes Fits’ (no typo) and Mary Jane Paul (Gabrielle Union) feels some kinda way as she approaches her 39th birthday.
Unfortunately, Mary Jane?s birthday takes a backseat her family drama but that doesn’t stop her from treating herself to a few high priced luxury items.

VIDEO: Being Mary Jane Episode 0307 ‘If The Shoes Fits’

Mary Jane makes a $30,000 investment in her purse collection when her new stylist shows with a few samples. SNC’s hottest anchor also purchases a brand new Tesla (which starts at around $80,000).
These aren’t necessarily frivolous purchase though, being that it’s MJ’s birthday today and she’s in a celebratory mood.
Mary Jane gets treated to a huge birthday celebration at work and is even flooded with a slew of birthday wishes on social media, but she’s convinced her family is planning a surprise party for her (not!).
Mama Patterson has suffered a setback and the entire family is focused on her recover, that being said… no one remembers it’s Mary Jane’s birthday, thus.. there is no celebration.
I don’t know what kinda job endorses drug use, but apparently Patrick has found one. As you know, Patrick has struggled with drug addiction since the show started, and he’s managed to stay clean thus far this season.
Now it seems Patrick’s boss is encouraging his employees to endulge in ‘doughnut time’ ie their afternoon drug break. It appears that Patrick has fell off the wagon and his drug of choice is helping him work the longer hours.
[Sidebar: Dayum… I was really rooting for his recovery. *sigh*]
Mary Jane heads to her family home hoping that everyone has assembled to celebrate her birthday, but she gets shocked when no one is home except her brother, P.J.
While MJ was hoping for a birthday surprise, she gets another shock when she discovers that her little brother is involved in some questionable real estate activities that could get him jail time.
PJ seems to think that he’s on the road to riches, while Mary Jane has already been informed by one of her co-workers of a pending investigation against PJ’s asian partner.
Get out now PJ!!! Don’t be the fall guy…
6 Years Ago…
Mary Jane reveals to her father that she had an abortion 6 years ago.
The revelation is sparked not only by the fact that no one remembered her birthday but and it seems that everyone gets ‘a pass’ in life except Mary Jane.
Mary Jane admits that always done ‘the right’ things because she feared disappointing her parents…of being a burden.
During her confession, she admits that perhaps she should have had the child out of wedlock. Then maybe she would be coddled and cared for like Niecy and Patrick. Still living in their parent’s home with little to no responsibility.
“I’m pissed that my whole family forgot my birthday when I could have been at home blowing out my candles with my 6 year old.” ~ Mary Jane
Mark quit his job last week after that whole public sex scandal and after refusing to ‘sell out’ to SNC and become the network’s designated gay spokesperson, he sells his home and is wasting no time getting up and getting out.
Mark does his final SNC broadcast and is treated to a big farewell from the company but he manages to also treat Mary Jane to an impromptu birthday celebration.
YAY! At least one person remembered Mary Jane’s birthday! BFF Mark surprises MJ at her house of glass with a birthday cake and candles and the pair spend the final moments of the episode dancing to Rob Base’s ‘It Takes Two.’

Fun fact: Actress Regina King directed this week’s episode.