The third season of Being Mary Jane started out with a bang (literally) as Mary Jane Paul (Gabrielle Union) adjusts to life after suffering from facial injuries received during a car accident.
[READ: Recap: 5 Things Revealed During Being Mary Jane, Season 3, Episodes 1 & 2 (FULL VIDEO)]
This week’s episode is titled ‘Sparrow’ and Mary Jane is forced to confront her feelings after her best friend, Dr. Lisa, commits suicide. She also shares some shocking news with Dr. Lisa’s family and friends about Lisa’s step-father (portrayed by Richard Lawson, aka Tina Knowles new hubby) during the eulogy.

VIDEO: Being Mary Jane Season 3, Episode 3 – Ugly Truths
Mary Jane is slowly getting her facial features back in line after suffering from a car accident that nearly ended her career, but it seems her back-stabbing BFF still wants to redirect all of the attention.
Episode 3 starts with Dr. Lisa making the choice to take her own life. Lisa has been a thorn in Mary Jane’s side since way back during first season, when she told David about Mary Jane ‘stealing’ his sperm, but I don’t think anyone actually wanted her to die!
Honestly though, Lisa being killed off creates a whole new dynamic. Now that she’s gone, Mary Jane can finally move past all of her hard feelings about Lisa and turn them into grief for the fallen ‘friend’ who was so emotionally damaged from her past, that she didn’t think twice about betraying her childhood friend.
While Mary Jane’s mom seems to feel that Lisa’s suicide was all their fault and while her death is sad and shocking… no one should shoulder that blame except for the person who popped those pills… and she’s gone!
Mama Patterson notifies Dr. Lisa’s mother and step-father about her death and if you recall, we learned in previous episodes that Lisa had been estranged from her parents for years.
Things seem strained between Mary Jane and Lisa’s parent’s and during this episode, we finally find out the cause of Lisa’s family issues as she is laid to rest.
Depression is a serious issue and Mary Jane’s heartfelt words put things into perspective when she reveals in hr speech that Lisa’s stepfather had sexually abused Lisa for years, and her mother chose to stand by his side.
Sadly, all the hidden ‘ugly truths,’ (which include the secret of Lisa’s unrequited love for Mary Jane’s ex-boyfriend) are what finally took a toll on Lisa and while it’s nobody’s ‘fault’ per se, Mary Jane eloquently states how holding on to secrets and lies can destroy a person.
So yesterday I stopped for some coffee and the guy that works at the coffee shop said ‘Good Morning, how are you?’ and I said ‘Oh I’m fine. How are you?’ because that’s what you say when you go to a coffee shop and somebody says ‘Hey, how are you.’
But I wasn’t fine. I wasn’t fine because today I’m burying my oldest friend. I realize that I’m a liar. I’m a big liar. And a good liar. We all are. We’re all just pretending we’re ok when we’re really not.
And you know it’s not even like it’s enough for just us to lie… we really expect everyone else to lie too. It’s like, we’re all afraid that the whole world will come falling down if we’re honest with each other all of the time.
I absolutely now believe that the lies we tell each other… that’s what killed by friend Lisa. My sister.
So I know that a lot of you know that Lisa was originally from Ohio and moved to Atlanta when she was 8… and that she was a straight ‘A’ student and graduated from Meharry Medical School…
Lisa was also molested by her stepfather from the time she was nine until she was sixteen and she carried that pain with her everyday for the duration of her life.
Her whole life, she was in pain. She also suffered from depression… and she suffered from unrequited love… and she suffered from the silent treatment way too many times.
I used to ask her a thousand times… ‘How are you?’… ‘HOW ARE YOU?’ But I don’t know if I actually wanted to hear her truth. I don’t think any of us did. And now she’s gone.
I just want to say that Lisa touched so many lives, she literally brought life into the world and I think the best way to celebrate her life is to stop being liars and actually embrace the truth.
Just make sure that you tell everyone that you love that you will love them no matter how UGLY their truth is… you’ll still love them.
R.I.P. Dr. Lisa…
What did you think of this week’s episode of Being Mary Jane?