Miami’s own Jill Tracey (of Hot105’s ‘Hot Talk w/Jill Tracey) was kind enough to invite us all to appear on her radio show to discuss our various experiences in being an online entrepreneur, but the official topic was ‘if your social media isn’t making money, then it don’t make sense’.
Each of us brought something different to the table and it made for interesting conversation.
For the record, I apologize for the lack of blawg posts lately… but I needed a BREAK!!
Rest assured that things will be back to normal soon, but in the meantime… in case you missed it, check out our ‘Bloggers’ Hot Talk radio segment below…
AUDIO: AUDIO: Bloggers ATLien & Darius Cooks on Hot Talk With Jill Tracey (Hot105FM Miami)
What did you think of our ‘Bloggers Segment’ on Jill Tracey’s Hot Talk show?
FYI – You can easily find us all online but here are a few links to help in your search…
DARIUS COOKS – DariusCooks.com
Twitter: @DariusCooks
Instagram: @DariusCooks
Facebook: @Darius Cooks
JILL TRACEY – JillTracey.com
Twitter: @MissJillTracey
Instagram: @JillTracey
Facebook: MissJillTracey
MICHELLE ‘ATLien’ BROWN – StraightFromTheA.com
Twitter: @ATLien
Instagram: @iamATLien
Facebook: StraightFromTheA