Nene Leakes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and talk show host Wendy Williams clearly don’t see it for each other.
[FLASHBACK: Shots Fired! Nene Leakes Sends Message to Wendy Williams… ]
The two have paired off online and on-air and now their ‘beef’ has come to a head after Wendy’s husband, Kevin got involved over the weekend as both ladies appeared at the 2015 Atlanta Women’s Expo.
[READ: Nene Leakes Addresses Wendy Williams Beef, Kenya Moore Donation & More on WWHL… (VIDEO)]
Nene spoke about the incident on WWHL Sunday evening, but now more details have emerged and we’re finding out that cops were even called to the scene to escort Wendy & her hubby out of the Georgia World Conference center…
Details below…
Nene was apparently telling the truth when she said on WWHL she didn’t actually know what happened.
Williams and her entourage were reportedly upset when they arrived at the Georgia World Congress Center and?realized Williams’ dressing room was right next to Leakes.
Kevin Hunter, Wendy’s husband/manager, demanded that event organizers move Leakes’ dressing room.
According to the DailyMail:
Kevin was adamant that he wanted his wife nowhere near NeNe! He told them to move her as far away as possible,’ the source revealed.
Williams took the stage at 1pm to do a keynote address to the thousands in attendance and talked about ‘ten rules every woman should live by.’
She was followed on stage by Leakes at 1:45pm, who threw a bit of shade at Williams by stating: ‘I’m your home girl. I live my life as an open book and I’m happy I don’t need ten rules to live by!‘
That statement apparently set Williams’ husband off…
According to the eyewitness, Kevin pushed through the curtains and stormed the stage and was cursing at the top of his lungs. ‘He kept yelling ‘get her m*********ing ass off the stage. We don’t f*** with her! Wendy don’t f*** with her. Cut that b****’s mic off!” the source recalled.
It was Nene’s BFF Diana Gowins who quelled the situation by blocking Wendy’s husband’ dramatic entrance.
As Hunter began to storm up the stage steps, Leakes best friend Diana Gowins jumped up to confront him. Gowins, who has been featured on both Real Housewives of Atlanta and Leakes’ wedding special I Dream of NeNe, yelled back at him:? ‘What the hell is your problem? If you have a problem with NeNe, take it up with me!’
The two stood there and exchanges verbal spars while Leakes continued with her presentation, completely unaware of the chaos ensuing on the side of the stage she insists.
Things apparently got so out of hand at the side of the stage, that cops had to be called…
Event organizers called for security to come and diffuse the situation and Hunter went back through the curtains where Williams was signing copies of her book, Ask Wendy: Straight-Up Advice for All the Drama in Your Life.
‘Kevin clearly realized that Diana wasn’t going to let him onstage and wasn’t backing down. So he turned around and made Wendy cut her book signing short. The crowd began to boo.
‘By the time Kevin and Wendy got through the other side of the curtains, the event organizers and security were waiting for them and four police officers escorted them off the premises and to their waiting car,’ the source disclosed.
Organizers for The Ultimate Women’s Expo had to refund 80 tickets for patrons who paid to get autographed books from Williams but couldn’t because her husband made her leave so abruptly. Leakes never learned of the dramatic scene until after she got off stage.
Wow… was it really THAT serious?? ?I guess a little bit of shade goes a long way.