It was just last week that Christopher ‘Ludacris’ Bridges told a judge in his child support hearing that he’s suffering financially and can’t afford to pay the exorbitant amount of money his new baby mama, Tamika Fuller, is asking (click HERE if you missed that).
[READ: Meet Tamika Fuller, Luda’s New Baby Mama… (PHOTOS)]
Now after spending months in court battling the issue, it seems the popular Atlanta-based rapper has had a conference with a few of his famous peers (i.e. Usher Raymond and Dwayne Wade).
[FLASHBACK: Ludacris Claims New Baby Mama Extorted Him for a Car… *Court Docs*]
Ludacris has now decided to flip the script on his newest baby mama… and seeks FULL custody of his kid!
But wait… he’s also asking for a judge to award HIM child support if his custodial request is granted.

According to TMZ,
Rapper Ludacris wants to do something so shocking, it will send shock waves through the rap community — he’s fighting for CUSTODY of his kid.
Luda and baby mama Tamika Fuller are duking it out in an Atlanta court over custody and child support. They had a baby girl 2 months ago and Tamika’s been taking care of the kid.
The rapper now says in legal docs he’s a “fit and capable parent” and should get full physical custody. He offers up his parental resume, saying he’s always been “an active father” to his 12-year-old girl.
Now the plot thickens.
Luda has also asked the judge to force Tamika to pay HIM child support. That’s interesting, because Tamika was asking for $15K a month in child support and Ludacris pleaded poverty, saying Paul Walker’s death derailed “Fast & Furious 7” and his cash flow dried up. The judge awarded her $7K a month.
Wow! I guess the father would deserve child support if he actually has full physical custody of the kid.? But this is an infant we’re talkin about.
Whatever the case, Luda has made the request but if he gets it… then what?? It begs the question of is this REALLY about custody or is it just a way to avoid paying child support?
Someone hit up local sperm banks. Maybe he were one of those who filed a police report for stolen semen. Sad but true.
a power move to get her to accept his first offer! take this or end up with nothing! I hope she calls his bluff and embarrass his lying ass in discovery!
He jst kps making it worse..go sit down, pay support, & strap up nxt time
Avoiding to pay.
Bet you he rues the day or night he took that “break*. Both of them are being childish and forgetting the most important person which is the little innocent child who didn´t ask to be here. She don´t need 15,000 a month and he ain´t broke. Lay up pay up. Fin
Wow Luda smh. Just pay
By fighting he went from 15k month to 7k a month. I hope he gets full custody and support . Black woman ex stripper what´s the chances that the whole 7k will go to the kid ? Highly doubt it . She´ll be at Lenox mall buying purses and shoes the day after the first payment . That´s why Brotha´s ain´t really fucking with black women these days they ratchet. Only Niggas with nothing to offer be fucking with them suprise Luda was dumb enough to fuk wit it !
Do he think people think he wants baby beacuse he loves her, no he dnt its about money
How is he making it worse by filling for full custody… it´s his child right. Her purpose of child support is to care for the child 15k it takes maybe 300 to take care of an infant each month… I don´t think him asking for child support was a smart move but at the same time good for him…
She got pregnant with the thoughts of being set for life other wise she could have sent on her merry way with involving the courts
He got mo money than she will ever have why take a child fro her mother only to be brought up by maids and girlfriends
good for him….to hell with these begging heiffers. It does not take that much money to raise a child. SHE wants to be taken care of for simply having a baby….go get a job heiffa!!
Hmm, Not sure why he chose to sleep with a random young lady unprotected in the first place, I probably can see why she did because he is a celebrity. With whatever the case, I hope the innocent 2 month old child is raised with love and proper care. All of this mess really could have been avoided.
So the guy above just grouped an entire race of women into a negative stereotype based on what…your experience, what you read on blog…because I can guarantee you that this is happening in ALL of races. Gotta love the black women hate…SMH
I like how all u men on Luda side bashing strippers but all yall thirsty ass are there trying to fuck raw dog like Luda..if u don´t want babies strap it up & stop fucking rats! Game ain´t new
That´s what the baby momma gets for thinking she won the lottery choose wisely who u sleep with, she stated she wanted 15,000 a month bitch please you didn´t have your other baby daddy´s paying that much now u got a rapper and it´s payday, hoe sit down!
The funny thing about this story is, firstly it isn´t original, many celebrities have slept with random chicks and they were ostracized for it, especially if the trick was a white or Hispanic woman sleeping with a black man, the woman is labeled as using the celebrity´s baby as a come up. Well….guess what? Black chicks play the come up role too! What makes her so much better than the rest of them????? Nothing!
I thought Child Support depends on the father´s income, correct???? Wateva they ordered him to pay, I think $7000 monthly, Luda man jys pay, b cuz u look´n bad. U look´n like a DEAD BEAT FA REAL!!!! SMH
This is just another man avoiding another bill. He´s avoiding child support by filing for custody. It´s making him look bad in the public eye to those who can look past their own noses. He´s hiding assets and crying fowl. He would look like a better man if he´d make an agreement to pay something and offer to visit with the child. #tired
How can you look bad for wanting custody of your child. Surely the child will have a better life with him than her. It´s up to him to either do it or not. He may just want the child and not want to deal with the mother no one really knows but him. He not a deadbeat by far but her thinking she hit the jackpot isn´t the smartest thing either.
Just give the money trap a mill are so, contractually with no farther obligations to the child… All she wNt is money, we all know it doesn´t coat all that to raise nobodies baby rapper are not…she looking to get paid, let her sale her daughter to her own dad big pimping isn´t it..this whole thing is getting sickening.. It is after all his daughter, she just being greedy and using the baby for a payday. Shame on her shame on him..
Ludicris is getting ludicrous.
Is asking for more money for more money about making the child´s life better or the mothers? I would venture to say that it doesn´t take $15,000 to support a child. Some women fail to realize that it´s the child´s money and not money to pay a mother for taking care of a child.
Has she been PROVEN to be an UNFIT mother? I think not. So he´s acting like a be-atch in wanting to take that woman´s child. How dare done females on here say ´that´s what she gets´. Wow. A better life? I can´t. Too ig´nant for me!!
I never heard of a deadbeat dad wanting custody. That is just stupid. Deadbeat dad by definition does nothing for a child. A deadbeat doesn´t want custody. Child support depends on both parents income, DemetriseJoi BabyCakes Pete. It is a smart, responsible move if he is having cashflow problems. He says he is waiting on his Fast and Furious check. If it is truly about taking care of the kid, give hime the baby and go shake your ass to provide…
This story makes me sick women think it´s cool to become professional baby mamas? She got exposed for being greedy?
So he can go pay a nanny to take care of the baby… Just pay and take it as a lesson learned…
I have no respect for a man that would unjustly try to take a baby from her/his mother! So sad and cold hearted! May god perfect will prevail!
lost respect.
A lot of these men sound bitter. Who hurt you? CS is based on income, his income just so happens to be in the millions. Also, he slept with her just like she slept with him. It was a mutual decision. If he didn´t want to have a child or a child with her, he should´ve used protection. Such a shame that he´s resorting to such foolish behavior, it´s unbecoming.
See…this is why I try to stay out of the comment section. Kalico-with-a-K Jones…wtf are you talking about? I was with you until you got ALL THE WAY ignorant. Maybe you´ve had bad experiences with Black females (ratchet begets ratchet, remember that!), but Black women (operative word: WOMEN) are not ratchet. That´s like me saying Black men are lazy ass criminals. C´mon now, get off it!
As for Luda – he has every right to fight for his child. His intentions are his intentions and none of my business. What´s good for the goose…
Child support
Maybe he should have went for full custody first (not that I think he should get it unless the mother is unfit) because now it looks like he´s trying to avoid paying child support.
Perhaps it would have been better if she kept her mouth closed went to court instead of the media. Each parent has an equal right to the child. Since they were friends I would have thought this would have been worked out. He should have used protection if he didn´t want any additional children but if he wants to fight for custody so be it! He has every right. #lessonlearned
@Nikkia… LOL the child will be with him, how is he avoiding support.. he is not trying to support the mother… which is what she is trying to have happen asking for $15,000 a month.
He´s doing what a broke dude would do-try to take custody to keep from paying child support. I wish these guys would get it together. It´s getting old fast.
I think if she can use her baby as a pawn then guess what it can backfire easily…ijs
First of all child support is for whatever it takes the custodial parent to provide. Daycare, transportation, food, clothes and a decent place to live. No it may not take $15k, but he ain´t broke either. They grew up together, she was not just some random. It came out he pays $5k a month on his dog care and. $7k a month on lawn are for all his properties. So his child deserves way more than under $2k. Hell he buys his girlfriend shoes that cost more than that. I don´t feel sorry for him at all
Kelly Gill…you obviously don´t have kids…
It takes WAY more than 300.00 a month to care for an infant. When my son was an infant in the early 2000´s his formula was about 200-300 a month…daycare…at a nice center was 800.00…so I can imagine the cost in 2014…if you can clothe. .feed…provide medical insurance. .with copays and out of pocket expenses…as well as childcare expenses and future educational expenses for a child for 300.00 a month please let me know.
Don´t wanna pay
Child support duh!
The best way to prevent child support is to not enter raw into any woman you don´t plan on making your wife. Sounds simple doesn´t it?
Pathetic. Was that your only means of income
I guess he will use Ushers Lawyer and Judge
I think a child should be raised by both parents but if that´s not possible the mother should be the main caregiver unless she decided not too… if she not fit to raise the child he should of though of that before he laid down with her…..
Children should be brought here by two people who love each other. I hope he wins to teach all these other stupid women to use their head and not their legs.
I lost all respect for him…..child support is in fact for mother and child. He is just being an asshole for trying to take away that woman´s child due to him not wanting to pay said child support. #Payupnigga
Use her baby as a pawn?!? Bitch you sound stupid!!