[READ: Mugshot Mania: Young Jeezy Arrested for Assault of Teen Son… ]
The rapper recently spoke out about the incident and blames his son’s mother, Tenesha Dykes, is behind all the drama!
Details below… Continue Reading…
[READ: Mugshot Mania: Young Jeezy Arrested for Assault of Teen Son… ]
The rapper recently spoke out about the incident and blames his son’s mother, Tenesha Dykes, is behind all the drama!
Details below… Continue Reading…
Co-parenting their combined 6 kids and running several successful business ventures would put a strain on any relationship, but while the cute couple’s difficulties have been revealed on the show, it appears their relationship is still going strong.
Many gave the couple the side-eye for inviting Bailey’s baby daddy Leon into their home to co-parent their daughter Noelle but it seems that working together is always best for the children.
[READ: FOR DISCUSSION: Cynthia Bailey vs. Halle Berry (The Baby Daddy Debate)]
That being said, Peter spent a bit of time in Miami with his 10 year old son Bryce a few weeks ago in Miami and shared photos of his beautiful son and hot baby mama.
Photos below… Continue Reading…
It’s a new mugshot for the New Year for rapper Jay Jenkins aka Young Jeezy!
[FLASHBACK: Young Jeezy’s 2008 Mugshot… ]
Jenkins posed for the mugshot above after he turned himself in on a grand jury warrant last Friday, January 3, 2013 on charges that he assaulted is 17 year old son.
[FLASHBACK: Young Jeezy Hosts Son’s 16th Birthday Bash… (PHOTOS)]
Details about Young Jeezy’s latest arrest + photos below: Continue Reading…
[FLASHBACK: Quick Flix: Ludacris for Magnum Condoms… (PHOTOS)]
The popular rapper/actor/entrepreNegro welcomed a new baby for the new year but his new daughter also came with a baby mama who’s full of drama!
[READ:?Meet Tameka Fuller: Ludacrs’ New Baby Mama… (PHOTOS)]
As revealed in my original ‘blind item’ post?last November:
The rapper/actor/entrepreNegro has been trying to clean up his image over the past few years and while his fiance is understandably distraught about the news, she is sticking by her man?s side and keeping up appearances.
In the meantime, the streets of Atlanta are talking about how the rapper/actor/entrepreNegro?s soon to be ?baby mama? has said she wants to be paid for her silence? and we ain?t talkin? bout no ?Chicken & Beer?!
Well, it’s recently been revealed that Luda begged the courts to put Fuller under a gag order to protect his image (and his fiance), after Fuller threatened to go to the media if he didn’t buy her a new car!
Details below… Continue Reading…
It’s no secret that Kandi Burruss of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is a Grammy award winning singer/songwriter and it’s also no secret that she’s often drawn from her personal experiences in many of the lyrics she’s penned.
Back in the day Kandi wrote a slew of hits for groups like Destiny’s Child and TLC, but did you know that the young songwriter used her failed relationship with a young NFL baller by the name of Chuck Smith as the inspiration for one of her songs?
[FLASHBACK: Life Lessons Revealed on RHOA S6, EP10 (Watch FULL Video + Funky Dineva’s Recap)]
Well it’s a fact Jack! Don Juan, Kandi’s close friend and manager recently spilled the TEA on twitter, stating:
Which hit song’s lyrics do you think were inspired by Smith? Hint: It’s NOT ‘No Scrubs’…
Find out the answer below + check out Kandi’s recent radio interview where she reveals even more details about her & Smith’s ‘old school’ relationship… Continue Reading…
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