The superstar crooner has faced the wrath of fans begging him to cut his ‘baby fro’ over the past few months, which he grew as part of his portrayal of boxer Sugar Ray Leonard in an upcoming film project.
[FLASHBACK: First Look! Usher Raymond As Sugar Ray Leonard… (PHOTOS)]
Usher shed a lot of weight to get ‘boxer buff’ and now it seems he’s also shed his baby fro. The megastar is now rocking a more dapper, clean cut look, complete with ‘man bling’.
We’ve come to expect a certain amount of red-carpet fancy from Usher “Ershur” Raymond, and his oxblood Calvin Klein tuxedo at last night’s Golden Globes ceremony was right on point. But then he totally outdid himself by adding a diamond brooch.
This is a real breakthrough in man jewelry: It’s not just a ring, a pair of huge diamond studs, or even a Southwestern bolo tie, but a vintage-looking diamond brooch.
Before finally shedding his hated ‘baby fro’, Usher and his barber took fans through musical hair history with a few ‘throwback’ styles.
Check out Usher’s hair transformation below…
Usher started his hair transformation rocking his ‘SoSo Def’ sized fro, then he and his barber cruised through at least 20 year so of hip-hop styles in just one day, as they took his hair ‘back to the future’.
Usher’s ode to NYC rapper Big Daddy Kane…
Usher pays homage to Kid n’ Play…
90’s fly with a Shawn Wayans/Fresh Prince cut…
Usher rocks Robert Deniro’s ‘Taxi Driver’ mohawk…
Usher rocks a scully for a salute T.I.
And finally… a photo of the ‘big chop’! Happy now?
What do you think of Urrsher’s hair transformation?
Hot or Not?