If you haven’t heard by now Kenya Moore of The Real Housewives of Atlanta apparently doesn’t pay her bill so a judge ordered that she’s evicted from her Atlanta rental home.
[READ: Moore Loses in Court Against ATL Landlord…]
Miss Ratchet U.S.A. has been uncharacteristically quiet on the social networking site Twitter since the news hit the net and reportedly she was officially booted from the crib a few days ago.
Kenya called in to talk show host Wendy Williams (who offered to pay Kenya’s past due balance a few weeks back), to clear the air, stating that she never received notice of the eviction and claims that she doesn’t owe the monies.

?Real Housewives of Atlanta? star Kenya Moore talks exclusively to Wendy about her recent eviction and alleged failure to pay her rent in full this past May.
Plus, is Kenya attending NeNe Leakes? wedding? Is Joseline Hernandez joining the ?Housewives of Atlanta? next season? (source)
[Sidebar: Shout out to my friend FunkyDineva who’s photo was shown on the show]
Ok so Kenya claims that she was never “served” with the legal notice, but in Georgia eviction, she’s considered served if the noticed is tacked and mailed to the address of the property in question.
The Marshal will simply tack one copy to the door and send another copy through the mail. Kenya’s noticed was tacked on her door (which was reportedly how the news got to the media after many of them took photos of it).
At the end of the day, if she owed the lady money she should have paid it. Point… blank… period.