Bynum posed for the lovely mugshot above after being arrested in Dallas, Texas last night (April 18, 2013).
The 54 year old self-professed prophetess went through a very public divorce a few years back where she referred to herself as the face of domestic violence.
The woman of the word has since moved on from her relationship with Thomas Weeks, and has gone on to speak out about her colorful past, which includes bad relationships, drugs and struggles with her sexual identity.
[FLASHBACK: Juanita Bynum Reveals She Slept With Women… [AUDIO]]
Bynum now has something else to add to her testimony… a recent arrest!
Details below…
Prophetess Juanita Bynum currently locked up in Dallas, Texas and according to Sandra Rose she’s cooling her heels in a Dallas County jail after being picked up on a ?capias warrant?.
According to online records. Bynum, 54, was booked into the Dallas (Texas) County jail last night on civil charges.
A capias warrant is usually issued when a judge wants to compel a defendant to do something, such as when someone loses a civil case and they failed to pay a judgment against them. In general, capias warrants and not criminal in nature.
I wonder if she saw this coming… 😯
UPDATE:? According to The Dallas News Bynum has been released.
She was released after she appeared in a Dallas courtroom yesterday (April 20) to answer questions in the case, which includes a 2007 judgment ordering her to pay $140,000 to ALW Entertainment.
She has yet to pay the money to promoter Al Wash?s company, his attorney said, though they are hopeful that the case may finally be resolved.?Wash sued Bynum for failing to perform in a play for which he had paid her.
?She has disclosed the whereabouts of her assets and her business dealings,? entertainment attorney David Small said.
So Miss Juanita was jailed for hiding her assets?? Hmmmm…. interesting.